im pretty sure nobody reads this part. i mean who makes it past the picture parts anyways. so i think ill spice things up a bit... well i like to sleep ( with family members) and enjoy eating out (your girlfriend) and who doesnt like dancing ( with the devil) im originallyfrom delaware and i left my heart there with my friends. but back to the real part of this section. i hate my life, give me yours. im an over worked under paid future mall santa that is trying to make a name for himself, preferabbly a name that bill collectors dont call. and as far as meeting people on here. im pretty sure that anyone that has a decent pic on here is a liar and the rest of us look like white trash drunks. and hows your day? back to me. i love my dance team girls, rachael ray, cheese pizza, city ham, the yankees, your mom and of course go america.
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