Alicia profile picture


Am I really single? will never know!

About Me

For starters, I moved back to the city from Atlanta almost a 2 year ago. I grew up in the Bronx. I then moved to the Dirty South to attend high school and college in Atlanta. I have a BFA in Fashion Marketing which is why I'm back in the NYC. Since we all know there isn't anything fashionable about the ATL!I'm not looking for anything serious, but more of a friendship!

My Interests

My interest are great movies, books on something educational, and since I have a degree in fashion, anything that has to deal with the fashion industry!
[Marital Status] You will never know!
[Shoe size] 7
[Parents still together] No, thank GOD!
[Siblings] 5
[Pets] 0
[Color] Purple
[Number] 8
[Animal] Dog
[Drinks] Don't Drink!
[Soda] Coca Cola
[Book] House of the Spirits
[Color your hair?] Nope!
[Twirl your hair?] Yes
[Have tattoos?] Yes
[Have Piercings?] Yes, not just ears!
[Cheat on tests/homework?] No!
[Drink/Smoke?] No/ No
[Like roller coasters?] Yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] There's no place like NYC!
[Want more piercings?] Maybe
[Like cleaning?] Yes, I'm a neat feak!
[Write in cursive or print?] Cursive
[Own a web cam?] No
[Know how to drive?] Yes
[Own a cell phone?] Yes and no you can't have the number!
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Yes!
[Been in a fist fight?] Yes
[Considered a life of crime?] NO!
[Considered being a hooker?] Hell no!
[Lied to someone?] Yes
[Been in love?] Yes and currently!
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Yes
[Been in lust?] Yes
[Used someone] Yes
[Been used?] Yes
[Been cheated on?] Yes
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Yes
[Stolen anything?] Yes
[Held a gun] Yes
[Current clothing] T-shirt and boxers
[Current mood] Happy
[Current taste]
[What you currently smell like] Happy!
[Current hair] Wearing it down as always!
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Sleeping
[Current cd in stereo] N/A
[Last book you read] Can you keep a secret?!
[Last movie you saw] Don't remember
[Last thing you ate] Fried Rice and Chicken
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Someone close to my heart!
[Do drugs?] No!
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Not sure!
Remember your first love?] Yes
[Still love him/her?] No
[Read the newspaper?] Everyday
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yes
[Believe in miracles?] Yes
[Do well in school?] Always!
[Wear hats] Yes, it's cold here in the NYC!
[Hate yourself?] Love myself!
[Have an obsession?] Yes
[Collect anything?] Shot Glasses
[Have a best friend?] No, their over rated!
[Close friends?] Yes
[Like your handwriting?] No! LOL!
[Care about looks] Yes, a must!
[First crush] Can't say!
[First kiss] Don't remember
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Not really!
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yes
[Are you a tease?] Yes
[Too shy to make the first move?] Yes
[Daydreamer] OMG, very much so!
[Bitch/Asshole] Bitch
[sarcastic] Very much so!
[Angel] Sometimes, when I get my way!
[Devil] Yes, when I don't get my way!
[Shy] Yes, sometimes
[Talkative] Can be sometimes


I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people for friendships and networking only!!!!!!!!!

Myspace Layouts For Girls Only -
Girly Myspace Comments


I love R&B, a little rap music, jazz, pop, and I listen to latin music!


I'm a total movie geek! Love action, chic flicks, and anything that depicts history. I don't like horror movies!


I love reality shows! However, I watch channels like A&E, MTV, BET (sometimes), History Channel, TLC, AMC, CNN and Bravo just to name a few!


My book list: Power, Art of Seduction, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Devil Wears Prada, Confessions of a Shopaholic, all types of marketing books that deal w/ fashion, The House of Spirits, Of Love and Shadows, Eva Luna, The Stories of Eva Luna, and the rest of the books that Isabel Allende has written.


My heroes are my parents and Jesus Christ!

My Blog

The 13 Types of Females

1. Ms. Mary JaneAdvantagesa.She'll never leave you unsatisfied.b.She knows how to please her man. c.She's cool and laid back.d.You can set her out to my friends and does everyone good.DisadvantagesA. ...
Posted by Alicia on Tue, 16 May 2006 04:48:00 PST

"Why Are Black Women Scaring Off Their Men?"

Have you met this woman? She has a good job, works hard, earns a good salary. She went to college, got her master's degree; she is intelligent. She is personable, articulate, well-read, interested in ...
Posted by Alicia on Tue, 16 May 2006 04:44:00 PST