my interests include: Drawing, listening to music, watching t.v, going on the internet, going out( since i rarely get to), and some other shit but too lazy to write :)
Anyone...i dont long as they're not a fuckwit!
AVENGED SEVENFOLD, THE CASUALTIES, THE UNSEEN, MANKIND?, A GLOBAL THREAT, BLATZ, UNDEROATH, AUS-ROTTEN, DETESTATION, rancid, conflict, THE GHOULS, the virus, quincy punx, THE DEVOTCHKAS, Clit 45, ANTIDOTE, PINKLY SMOOTH, circle jerks, FROM FIRST TO LAST, NY Rel-x, retching red, crass, ss-kaliert, screaming sneakers, AFI, axiom, amebix, the deprived, nekromantix,tsunami bomb, Atreyu, the matches,discharge, tiger army, 12 step rebels, the f-ups, lower class brats,cheap sex, the misfits, the ramones,operation ivy, ghouls night out, Anti-flag, kastle grey skull, transplants, escape the fate, every time i die, bleeding through, defiance, murderdolls, kill your idols, thretning verse, mad pigs, the rabies, the Havoc, the exploited, Secret Cervix, less than jake, horrorpops, black cat rebellion, the used, Lugosi's Morphine, nofx, Orange, The Converted, dropkick murphys, AIDEN, Color of violence, bad religion, fall of troy, total chaos, kill hannah, chiodos, armor for sleep, saosin, the briggs, common enemy, emanuel, death by stereo, copyright chaos, social distortion, greeley estates, MCR, bullets and octane, orgy, bullet for my valentine, minor threat, black flag, the crumbsuckers, bikini kill,wednesday 13, lucuna coil, the nipples, ummm....! I have alot more but way too much to name!
all Harry potter movies,Edward scissorhands, Beetle juice, Sleepy Hallow, meet the fockers, Labrynth, scarymovie 2, nightmare before christmas, creep show, pet cemetary, excorcist, the ring, titanic, dumb and dumber, The Shining, the goonies, the lost boys, house of wax, 6th sense, The hills have eyes, silent hill!!! umm... i have loads more but cant think right now.
FUSE!! stevens untitled rock show, family guy, Sponge bob, South park. Miami Ink.
hate them except the scary story like.
the book "clock work" me like!
old R.L Stine books!! me like
Name: Angela
Birthdate: 1/8/89
Birthplace: Denver
Current Location: Denver
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: more than you
Piercings: 4 on each ear = 8
Tatoos: 1 my deathbat
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: im single
Overused Phraze: Fucken shit!
Food: PIZZA!!
Candy: pixie stix, gummy worms, watchamacalits
Number: um..lucky 7
Color: BLACK, florecent pink, red
Animal: dogs
Drink: monsters, red bull, dr.pepper any soda and energy drinks
Alcohol Drink: .........
Bagel: um...a breakfast bagel with ham and egg
Letter: A
Body Part on Opposite sex: i love guys with gorgeous blue,green,grey,hazel or light brown eyes, nice ass, cute tummy and bulge size ;)
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: BOTH
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BOTH
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla CHOCOLATE!!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: BOTH!!!!!!
Kiss or Hug: BOTH
Dog or Cat: DOG
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both...mostly scary
Love or Money: both
Bedtime: when im tired
Most Missed Memory: hmmmm............
Best phyiscal feature: nothing
First Thought Waking Up: i need to pee
Goal for this year: to succeed
Best Friends: PHD pcrew
Weakness: love
Fears: being murdered
Heritage: im mexican american
Longest relationship: 100
Ever Drank: yeah
Ever Smoked: fuck no
Pot: fuck no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been beaten up: by my parents
Ever beaten someone up: yeah
Ever Shoplifted: i plead the 5th
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: i loooove guys with green,hazel,blue,rey,honey, or light brown eyes
Favorite Hair Color: doesnt matter
Short or Long: not too short, not too long
Height: taller than me
Style: i love street punks and crusties...sexyiest guys alive...for reals!
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute they can be both
Drugs and Alcohol: dont care
Muscular or Really Skinny: both but not too skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: to many
What country do you want to Visit: i want to go to europe
How do you want to Die: i dont
Been to the Mall Lately: last month
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah they're pretty cool
Get along with your Parents: most days
Health Freak: fuck no
Do you think your Attractive: one ugly beotch
Believe in Yourself: i do
Want to go to College: kinda
Do you Smoke: no and i NEVER will
Do you Drink: ummmm...sometimes
Shower Daily: yeah
Been in Love: **sigh** yeah
Do you Sing: to myself
Want to get Married: yeah
Do you want Children: someday
Have your future kids names planned out: zacky
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: im more virgin than the virgin mary
Hate anyone: hate is an ugly word but it happens