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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 32 year old kicks ass wife and mommy. Thats what I am told anyhow. I have 9 year old twin boys who are more than 10 hand fulls having absence seizures, adhd and possible autism. I have a 7 year old daughter going on 13 joy just like her mommy and a smart ass like her daddy. She seems to have dual personalities cause mommy and daddy are night and day and she is a mix of the 2 of us. I love them all and wouldnt trade them in for new models for anything! I have been married to my husband for 10 years now I dont think most people thought we would make it. So far its working for us.

I am comfortably numb how many of you can relate? I do this when things go from bad to worse I fall into this state.

I dont want to feel joy cause then I can feel pain. I dont need a drink or a pill to live on this plain.

I want to feel nothing for the sake of my clan. I am comfortable numb and feel no shame for its who I am.

My Interests

Myspace music and homeschooling my kids.

I'd like to meet:

People who understand what its like to be me.You know when you are in a gym in high school and there is a basket ball game or something like that going on? Thats how loud and how much the boys move when we play ABC GO fish. I have to make them finish playing the game cause they just cant sit there anymore God knows I wish they didnt have seizures so they could be put back on the adhd meds. So they could do anything for more than 20 min. Enjoy life but they cant they are all over the place all they time. We didnt even get video games until the Christmas they were 6 or 7. To see them PLAY with anything was a joy. Do you know how painful it is to watch your kids pick up toy after toy and just look at them but never play with them? Do you know what thats like? Do you know what its like to get on the ground with your kids and show them HOW to play with a car but for them to look at you and it blankly? DO you know what its like to have to spend over a year with flash cards of their ABC's 1-10 colors and shapes everyday a few times a day and have them go a whole year in kindergarten and still miss letters? Do you know what its like to have your kids come home from school crying because nobody will play with them because they are retards? Or to see them talk to other people who clearly dont care what they are saying but they keep going? Do you know what its like to watch your younger child by 2 years pass the older ones up both in learning and social development? Are you going to have to explain to your children why this is happening? Do you have to sit here and watch your almost 9 year old sing and dance to the wonder pets but cant understand most of what he is saying? I dont think anyone knows how hard it is to see your own children struggle so hard and me have to fight so hard to get them as far as they are because I dont have help I dont have doctors who care I dont have experts telling me what I need to do to help them. All i have is me and I do the best I can for them everyday. Dont past judgment or give me opinions unless you can grasp the concept of what this is like.


Blue October,tool,korn,jewel,three days grace,slipknot,No Doubt, AFI,everlast, The exies,Mighty mighty bostones, real big fish,NIN,Pantera,RHCP,Seether,Staind,System of a down,and many more. I might not like all songs by all these people but I like at least one song by each of them. a


Not a big fan of movies mostly cause I cant sit through one with out a kid needing something. I did like the Lake house and Saw didnt care for saw 2 all that much.


CSI,House,family guy and food net work.


I love to read. I will read just about anything and I read hella fast well over 200 words per minute.

My Blog

I hate..

guitar hero thats all.
Posted by Jessica on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 09:06:00 PST

Can someone tell this old lady the dif between..

Emo and goth or what the hell emo is? Cause from what I can see from my almost year on mtspace they kinda look like the samething.Dang writing that amkes me feel like the oldest most out of tune perso...
Posted by Jessica on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:24:00 PST

Why on thanksgiving...

Do we all have to be sick. The kids are sick Nathan is sick and now I am sick. I am pissed off I am not a big fan of turkey as it is. Now I have to sit through dinner with Nathans parents (not that th...
Posted by Jessica on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:23:00 PST

my dreams part 2 (this better work)

Lets see if I can trick myspace. As I was saying I hate that I am not book smart I want to learn new things I just dont retain that kind of info. If it is usless stuff my brain grabs hold of it and wo...
Posted by Jessica on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 07:20:00 PST

My dreams (toilet sound inserted here)

I just wrote a long ass blog about my dreams but seeing that myspace sucks balls and you cant hit the back button without all your shit going bye bye I am saying fuck it.
Posted by Jessica on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 07:07:00 PST

A house of our own.

We might be getting a place of our own. Yay it will be great. Its in the mobile home park and its a 3+2. That all I know about it so far the guy who bought it wants to less it to us. I hope we can aff...
Posted by Jessica on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 06:55:00 PST

Am I drama queen? what do you think?

You are a Blanced Babe! balanced-babe.jpg" height="100" width="100">You're direct and to the point, but never dramaticYou've got the confidence to...
Posted by Jessica on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:13:00 PST


I am so dang happy. Hubby just bought me a new flat screen monitor and fix the computer so I can hear it again. I am listening to my music now while I am on the computer. Woot woot. It has not worked ...
Posted by Jessica on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:17:00 PST

Turkish Tag

Turkish Tag These are 6 things about me that you may or may not consider odd. I have to request 6 of my friends to play. Post your list in your blog and then go tag 6 people.   1.I am shy in real...
Posted by Jessica on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 02:29:00 PST

just some stuff

Well I have been sick for a few days now. I hope its done I am sick of it have not gotten anything done and I need to. I am going out of town for the weekend alone. I need to have everything ready on ...
Posted by Jessica on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 07:32:00 PST