♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ Pray 4 Kaleb profile picture

♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ Pray 4 Kaleb

I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

My family is number one in my world. Anything I do usually revolves around them. I like going to hip hop shows when I have time, and will soon be taking up roller skating agian with the fam. Which just so happens to be where I met my husband. haha

I'd like to meet:


I like all music but right now here's some of the music I'm feelin...
Pete Miser
Genus Pro
The Visionaries
Swollen Members

Swollen Members would have to be the most awesome show I've ever been to. They had so much freaking engery. It was insain and awesome. Will do that agian. ATU is my all time favorite group, although it's been a while since they've been here. I still love em. And of course I can't forget the one and only, most original MC ever Pete Miser. He's just got great music all around. If you like underground hiphop I would say I have some of the best up there that I've mentioned and you should check them out for sure. You wont regreat it.

My Blog

All the Gothy pics I've made of people

Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:44:00 PST

Do you want an image made?

You guys want to request a picture to be jazzed up or designed in a cool and creative way? Join our group by clicking the image. I, and others, are creators to make your picture go from ordinary to ex...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:36:00 PST

Lots of pics of our new house : )

Okay we're still unpacking so it's not totally put together and it's kinda a mess. But here ya go. The neighbors are all so freaking awesome and have all come and introduced thier selves. It's great I...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:47:00 PST

My kids are nutts!!

OMGSH my kids are outside catching salamanders and snakes and freaking me out. Watch the videos their nutts. Brooke and Hailey are my kids the rest are neighbor kids who speak russian lol, and yes tha...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:07:00 PST

My kids are nutts!!

OMGSH my kids are outside catching salamanders and snakes and freaking me out. Watch the videos their nutts. Brooke and Hailey are my kids the rest are neighbor kids who speak russian lol, and yes tha...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:07:00 PST

A Summery of my life

I'm bored so I'm gonna post a little about my life. Read it if you like. Well lets start from the beginning. I was born in West Palm beach Florida. When I was 3 my mom took me and moved to Oregon whe...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:35:00 PST

Update on Kobyn

We're home!!! So we got transfered to the pediatrics hospital last night. When we got there the doctor cam in and told us the other hospital over reacted and he didn't have pneumonia. She said they we...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

Kobyn stopped breathing today for 2 LONG minutes.

Let me tell you , it is the worst feeling in the world for your baby to stop breathing and you just don't know what to do.He was lying on his back right next to me. Really quiet, but I didn't notice t...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:12:00 PST

I want to move but it seems impossible

Okay so we've been looking for a house in Tualatin since we moved to Woodburn. Nothings for rent and when it is, no joke 20 other people are applying for it. Everyone wants to live there. I just want ...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:29:00 PST

Something finally went right

Found out today our medical insurance starts right away so we're not gonna have any gaps in coverage. Dan's new insurance kicks ass. It covers everything 100% with only $10 copays. So yay for somethi...
Posted by ♥ MeLLy~MeL ♥ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:16:00 PST