i love to love and i love the earth. i am a big fan of reading and i like to clean. i believe that the key to the world's success is positive energy. i am not an optimist, nor a pessimest i am a realist, although i do convince myself to think positivly in not so positive circumstances. i think that intuition is very important to recognize and everyone does indeed have great intuition. i am very critical and some people do not understand that being critical is not indeed being negative, i do see the positive and goodness in much more than most people do. Someday i wish to live in a house boat, i believe in re-incarnation, and that passion is the most important emotion, dreams do indeed mean a whole lot, if i had a time machine the first place id go is to egypt, the time that king tut was in ruling then i would travel to the times of the neanderthals, some day i want to travel to outer space, i love the outdoors and sipping on tea, my sn is danimann85 if you want to IM me!
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