Christian issues, court-tv,, singing, playing air guitar, sometimes but not all the time: American Idol (hey, if I am going to try out, i have to know what I am up against with Simon Cowell). Any thing that is punk,emo, or screamo related. I have always loved Japanese culture, the clothes, the customs, and the food, and the idea of Geishas
I would love to meet Jesus (Thats a given) and all the punk rock girls that are married to punk rocker guys in other bands. I might be in that same position, married to a rocker in one band while I am singing lead in another band.
Relient K, The Killers, Flyleaf, The All-American Rejects, Green Day, Josh Groban, basically anything that I can sing good harmony with. Also any EMO or Screamo, Vertical Horizon, Phillip LaRue, I Love Christian Punk Rock. Running Lights is an awesome band! Check 'em out!
most of the movies I like are the ones that are aimed toward the younger crowds like Shrek and Madagasgar. I like movies that are aimed at kids but have the humor that is over the kids heads that the adults get. I also love romantic comedies. Hitch.And Memoirs of a Geisha.OH! And RENT has become a new favorite!
Court-tv, Fuse (the Canadian form of Mtv), That 70's Show, any old school sitcom like Family Matters, Step by Step, Full House, or Saved by the Bell, Mtv, ComedyCentral, Saturday Night Live, yup.
the Bible, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, Jesus: The Great Debate,China Tapestry
Christian Glitter by
1. My mom. She is the strongest woman I know, spiritually. Whenever I am having a problem or a crisis, she always points me to the cross of Christ and reminds me that I am never alone in what I am going through. Jesus will walk with me every step of the way. 2. Billy Graham. He started out as a small time preacher and God brought him from where he was and took him to the nation's forefront as the spiritual advisor to atleast 5 presidents.