II. a) I V A N O V ' S M E T H O D " CHILDY " You are full of the wish to bring the use to all the Soviet people, building communism. For this purpose you try to be healthy. My heart request to you, take from me some advices in addition of that is written in "Ogonjek" num.8, 1982, to strengthen your own health: 1. Twice a day take a cold bath in natural waters so that you feel good. Bath in whatever you can - lakes, rivers, a bath, take a shower or pour water over yourself. These are your conditions. Finish a hot bath with cold water. 2. Before bathing or afer it, and if it is possible at the same time, go out in the nature, stand barefooted on the earth or on snow in winter for at least 1-2 minutes. Breathe in the air several times through yuor mouth and thinkfully wish yourself and all the people the good health. 3. Don't drink alcohol or smoke. 4. Try at least once a week to go without food and water from Friday 18-20 till Sunday, the 12 midday. These are your deserves and rest. If it is difficult for you, hold out for at least one day. 5. At 12 Sunday, walk barefooted outside and breathe in and out several times and think it over as above. This is the holiday of your business. After that you can eat all that you like. 6. Love the nature surrounding you. Do not spit around you and do not spit anything out of yourself. Get used to it - this is your health. 7. Greet everyone everywhere, especially old-aged (elder) people. If you wish to have good health yourself - greet everyboby. 8. Help people with whatever you can , especially the poor, ill, hurt, needy one. Do it with cheer. Respond to his need with soul and heart. You will make a friend in him and will help the cause of peace in the world. 9. Win over the stinginess, laziness, egoism, fear, falseness, pride in yourself. Trust the people and love them. Do not talk unjustly about them and do not take close to your heart the negative thoughts about them. 10.Free your mind off the thoughts about illnesses, disabilities, death. This is your Victiry. 11.Do not separate thoughts from action. You have read - good. But the most important thing is to ACT ! 12.Tell and give the experience of this business to the others, but do not brag and think too highly about yourself. Be modest. If there is anything unclear or not comprehensive for you, then write to me. I always ready to give my experience to you in order your business will be a success.Wish You the happiness, health well. Ivanov Porphiri Korneevich
not much.
books about farming/biodynamics
Ivor, Angela, Pavel