Philosophy, Music and Sports. I am deeply philosophical and I love the Buffalo Bills. Kurt Cobain once said that 99% of people who truely love music are musicians and I in that 1%.
Jesus- I am not religious but I would love to meet the influencial person in history.
Metal, Punk, Rap and I am really into Indie Rock right now. My favorite bands are Radiohead, Tool/A Perfect Circle (really, I am just a Maynard Fan), Lagwagon and Wu-Tang. Those are the solid favorite of all time but my flavor of the week is The Arcade Fire, Aberdeen City, Hot Hot Heat, Soundtrack of Our Lives, and I have recently rediscovered Megadeth.
Favorite Movie of all time is The Professional aka Leon. This is one the only movies that have ever made me cry. Natalie Portman and Luc Beson (I know that's spelled wrong) were amazing. Some of my other favorites: Godfather I and II, Crimson Tide (if you have never seen this movie...go rent it. Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, Vigo Mortenson...great flick), Office Space (a must see for anyone who works in corp. America), Primal Fear (one of Ed Norton's first movies and probably the best, second to maybe fight club). Taxi Driver (because I feel like sometimes the world doesn't understand me and I don't understand the world. If you don't know what I mean then ask me and I will elaborate).
I love House MD, Flight of the Concords and Six Feet Under (when it was on). When those things are not on I watch ESPN. ..
Angels and Demons,The DaVinci Code and the Prophet.
My Mom.