Eric profile picture


No one ever said... Oh yeah, It's all been said.

About Me

We are all who we are as we are. Knowing things about me won't tell you about who I am. Interacting with me might let you know something about me when I'm interacting with you. It won't tell you about me when I'm with another. Who else could we be but who we are when we're with you?

My Interests

Education, technology(ies?), normative ethics.

I'd like to meet:

The God of All Atheists.


Hmmmmm... I suppose I have to hear it to know if I like it in that moment. I rather melodic to a-melodic. Harmonic to dissonant. Medium and quit more often than loud. All guidelines as any given genre could produce a piece of music that cannot remained confined to its label and hold something for me.If you need a strong opinion, I can say I hate the painfully repetitive and annoyingly overdriven base beat of the Rap and Hip-Hop garbage that passes for music in some places. Continual, deep, thumping, base beats with nothing of interest around them is not music. It is painful to hear.


The Boondock Saints, The Princess Bride, The Lord of the Rings (on principle), The Presidents Analyst, Gosford Park, Cold Comfort Farm, The Wrath of Kahn, The Usual Suspects, Some of the "Bond" movies, Highlander, Simone, Stand By Me, Shrek, 1 Hour Photo, The Incredibles...


MASH,As Time Goes By, Battlestar Galatica (New Version), Dr. Who (2005), Star Trek(s), Monty Python's Flying Circus, Saphire and Steel, Cheers, Six Feet Under, Dead Like Me, The Tick


Steppenwolf, Sidhartha, The Mists of Avalon, Cold Mountain, Lies and the Lieing Liers that Tell Them, Perfectly Legal, Screwtape Letters, Earth Sea Trillogy, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit


The Tick

My Blog


I've tried it. It makes no sense this whole web log thing (BLOG for the terminally lazy)... It bores me so very much... If you have something worth saying say it to someone. Diaries should be writ...
Posted by Eric on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:37:00 PST