I love music, especially live. I love going to shows. I also love hanging out with friends, gambling, thrift-stores, and movies. I'm really fascinated by history, especially local history.
I like it loud, fast, and short. Stripped-down, bare bones, true essence rock and roll. My favorite bands are the Ramones and the Beatles. Some other favorites are the Misfits, Ozzy, Sex Pistols, White Stripes, Nirvana,the Murder Dolls, and way too many more to mention. I couldn't talk about music without talking about all the great local bands here in the Fort Smith area, my friends in Afterlife,Razor Fate, Phanx,the Vamps, Blunt Force, Gravel Blaster, Dirty Finger,and any and all of the rest of the awesome local musicians and all-around kick ass people I've been so lucky to share a stage and a scene with.
I love movies. I've seen damn near everything. I have a special soft spot in my heart for mobster movies and horror flicks.
I like Lost,Project Runway, Penn and Teller's Bullshit,Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations,and watch a ton of History and Discovery Channel type stuff.
I don't read many books. I'm more into magazines. They're shorter and fresher. My favorite book ever, though, is 1984 by George Orwell.
Not so much any specific people, but I look up to rebels. Folks who do their own thing whether its fashionable or not, acceptable or not, legal or not, whatever. The folks that have the balls to fight the status quo if need be to do what they wanna do or get what they deserve.