Turning Eye-Catching Women into Head Turning Models Everyday!!

About Me

The name's Everywhere, Johnny Everywhere!!! I like my water ice cold, not frozen. I have been issued a License to Chill everywhere in the world....perhaps you've seen me before?? The pleasure was all yours!!Well I guess it's about damn time I update this part since I have been on MySpace for over a year and a half now and this is probably the first major edit I have ever made. Down to earth and real are probably the best phrases to use about me.....although I find it ironic that many people have seen only one side of me or choose to only get to know me so they can cut the line at the local hot spot or chill with me in a VIP somewhere. I like to be seen just as much I enjoy being left alone, probably the GEMINI in me. I will tell you this though, I am a much better friend to have than most.... People don't know what to expect from me and it's that uncertainty that gives me an edge. I care for the people I call friends. I go out of my way to help people not because of what I earn in cash but the way it makes me feel.... proud that I can and am able to do what I do. I don't ask for much in return: just be honest with me, don't steal and don't cheat.... it makes me question your character and my decision to befriend you. I don't know everyone, but you'd be surprised at who knows me. I can no longer go anywhere in Atlanta without someone coming up to say hello. I am a real person with real values and people are finally recognizing that fact. a

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Girls and guys that enjoy hanging out and each other's company. There's nothing like sharing a few bottles of Grey Goose to "get loose." I just hope I can compliment a woman's life enough to make her want to appreciate me as much as I want to love and appreciate her. Not holding my breath but I am definitely measuring the tide and checking my sails for that journey. And if you think for one minute I have given up the pursuit, you are definitely mistaken. I enjoy the comfort of solitude as well as the pleasure of sharing my days and nights with the right woman....


Radio has come a long way and with the advent of downloads and ringtones, my life will be forever filled with music.... Some say I march to the beat of a different long as it beats, so will my heart!!!


War and the way it makes us act and react make for some of the best movies, but a Sicilian heritage always makes the Mafia stories the most appealing....from the Godfather Trilogy to Goodfellas then from Full Metal Jacket to Black Hawk Down......It's the Marine in me....OOH-RAH!!!!/a


The Sopranos, Entourage, Law & Order, The Wire, Deadwood, Brotherhood, CSI Vegas, The Unit, Alias, 24, Las Vegas, and Grey's Anatomy would dominate my TiVo if I owned one. I like to relax for an hour or two and catch up on my Crime Dramas & Conspiracies but love to watch Mafia, Military and Covert operations unfold in an hour long show.
Which Soprano Mobster Are You? Your Result: Tony Soprano

You are the boss. Always in control, you do not bow down to anyone. You always get what you want, no matter who it hurts at times! You have trouble with self control when it comes to the opposite sex, alcohol, cigars, and swimming pools.

Johnny Sacramoni (Johnny Sack)
Paulie Gaultieri (Paulie Walnuts)
Silvio Dante
Christopher Moltisanti
Bobby Baccalieri (Bacala)
Which Soprano Mobster Are You?
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Gorillaz Feel good inc
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Would have to say my father first and foremost...then every Marine that wears his uniform with the same level of pride I did!!

My Blog

February 10th...... American Curves is looking for you!!!

Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:15:00 PST

Ed Hardy Rocks Atlanta this month!!

I have been given the opportunity to show off some of the lovely ladies I know with two special events on January 20th and 27th here in Atlanta. I need four(4) ladies for the 20th to do a promo for a...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:22:00 PST

Hone Alone on Christmas Eve....

As the evening draws near, I begin to contemplate the meaning of the season in the tranquility of my home 28 stories above the city I have grown to love....Atlanta. I think about the fun nights out wi...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:16:00 PST

Modeling and Photography.......

Lately I have been subjected to a ton of pics and a lot of conversations, mostly with models and some photographers, that have prompted me to clue a few people in.... (and this frustration comes from ...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 09:19:00 PST

Marines' Christmas

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.Outside the snow fell,...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 05:52:00 PST

Gotta love Corporate America.....

You know you are CORPORATE GHETTO......if two or more of the following are true:1.. You don't officially start working in the morning until you read your emails.2.. You have at least one drawer/cabine...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:39:00 PST

Some things to ponder

1. The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow.2. Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.3. If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably do...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

Not always about the money.....

This weekend proved to be enlightening in a few ways. I really wasn't feeling all too well but as a TROOPER, I elected to go out anyway. Friday was different as I joined some friends at TnG for thei...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 09:21:00 PST

USMC Bible

"The Few, the Proud, the Marines"(A Story of Creation)In the beginning was the word, and the word was God. In the beginning was God, and all else was darkness and void, and without form. So God create...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 02:03:00 PST

Modern Military

This is a letter written by a Marine in response to Kerry's insult on them. Enjoy and repost if you feel the notion:Yesterday John Kerry said, "You know education, if you make the most of it, you stud...
Posted by JOHNNY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 04:20:00 PST