Creating clothes...
...and toys, for my brand Scars 'n Spikes.
Body mods.
Painting and designing.
I'm a medical, surgery, anatomy fan / fetishist.
At home, I have a real human skeleton, engravings, surgery / dentistry / medical instruments, speculums, a sculpture with a real skull,etc...
Floria Sigismondi
Erick de Panavières (EDP)
Sikost Photography.
... Peter Beard, Dieter Appelt, Joel-Peter Witkin, Nicolas (IN COALS), Cire, Paul Toupet, Joseph Beuys, Annette Messager, Amandine Urruty, Chris Cunningham, Utamaro and Edo period painters in Japan, Yann Black, Fabesko, Ciou, Yonilab, Saint Virus, Junko Mizuno, Miss Van, Mark Ryden...
Sexy accessories / stuffs.
Performances, freak shows (Ron Athey, Fakir Musafar, Un autre corps, Art Kor, la Freaks family,etc...)
Here Jon (Un autre corps). Check Bastien & Jon in my friends.
The brand Agent Provocateur.
Men and women who don't give a fuck about how people consider their words, behaviour, life and tastes. I mean free spirits. And these people are very very few.
My close friends know that Genesis P-Orridge fascinates me. I met him once but I'd like to meet him again.
My birthparents. No, it's a joke.
Hardcore, métal, industrial and hip hop, essentially.
Atari Teenage Riot, The Shizit, Otto von Schirach
Panic DHH, Alec Empire (except the last lp), Hanin Elias, Cobra killer, Lolita storm, Phallus über alles...
Scorn, Niveau zéro, Pneumatic Detach, Amon Tobin, FYD, Converter, Imminent, Iszoloscope, Pan Sonic, This morn' Omina, Twinkle, Aphex Twin, Lustmord, Throbbing Gristle, Coil, Boards of canada, Moshpit, Sonic Area, White Dolls, Aphasia, Willyman, Jahbass, Manu le malin...
Terror, Earth Crisis, Agnostic Front, Hoods, Black Flag, The Dead Kennedys, Discharge, Rudimentary Peni, Youth of today, True Colors...
Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill, Ice T, Ice Cube, NWA, Public Enemy, RUN DMC, Eazy E, Bysta Rhymes, Body Count...
Sepultura, Slayer, Pantera...
Unsane, Today is the day, Genghis Tron, Jucifer, Baroness, Red Sparowes, Oxbow, A storm of light...
Ministry, NIN, The Revolting cocks...
Robots in disguise, Peaches, Miss Kittin...
Check in my blog the part called "MUSIC" to know exactly.
My friend Momo Disagree's label.
The films of Richard Kern (Death valley '69, Submit to me now, The sewing circle, etc...)
DONNIE DARKO, Brazil, Freaks, DEATH PROOF (Boulevard de la mort), Clerks 1 and 2...
In the realm of the senses and In the realm of passion (2 masterpieces of erotic cinema directed by Nagisa Oshima !!!)
Videodrome, Barton Fink, The Barber, Dogma, Trainspotting, Bowling for Colombine, Fahrenheit 9.11, Stand by me, Citizen dog, Old Boy, Spider, Apocalypto, Ichi the killer, Tatouage (Irezumi)
Little miss sunshine, Fur, Shaun of the dead, Pan's labyrinth, Fear and loathing in La Vegas...
Buffalo 66, Usual suspects, Fight club, Hot Fuzz...
A lot of films from Asia (too much to make a list).
Horror movies. I'm a fan till I'm 7 or 8 years old.
First, MAY...
The devil's rejects & House of 1000 corpses (Rob Zombie), Saw (the first chapter), Taxidermia, 1408
Hellraiser, Dark water, The wig, The fragile, Land of the dead, Jeepers creepers, Hostel, The Shining, Fair haired child, Jacob's scale, The descent, Slither, The hills have eyes, Last house on the left
80's horror movies like Brain damage, Street trash, Brain dead (Dead alive), Bad taste, Murders in the sorority house...
All the good and bad slasher movies like Friday the 13th, The texas chainsaw massacre, Nightmare on elm street, Halloween
Movies about mafia, gangs, hit-men, corrupted cops like Scarface, The god father, Ghost dog, Boyz in the hood, The departed, Summer of Sam, The pusher trilogy, A bittersweet life, The king of New York, Guns and talks, The killer, Bad lieutenant...
Most part of the movies directed by David Lynch (Blue velvet, Mullholland drive...) and Wong Kar Wai (2046, The hand...).
Westerns, comedies, french movies (La cité de la peur, Odette Toulemonde, Un air de famille, Cuisine et dépendances, Le goût des autres, Dikkenek, Le dîner de con).
No drama, thanx.
Movies with my 2 favorites actors Robert De Niro and Jack Nickolson.
Animes and movies for kids when I need to relax.
Art books, bios, latino-american and japanese literature. Books must excite my imagination a lot. If not, I give up after a few pages. I'm not patient.
Some magazines and newspapers.
About fashion, music, society, tattoo... and MAD MOVIES !!!
Myself. My close friends know why I feel like a Super hero, sometimes.
My parents are heroes. Educating me and converting the pigheaded punk that I was in someone a little sociable has been very hard.
Genesis P-Orridge, Divine and all the people who have/had the courage to live a different life, to be themselves ignoring the hard way they are/were treated. All those people that masses call "freaks".
Jello Biafra and some punk figures like Lydia Lunch or Henri Rollins.