Click to check out my band CITIZEN USELESS , we have a MySpace Music site now. Add us... we are the coolest bunch.
I post poetry, prose and general writings in my blog. I love to make friends, share ideas and constructive critisism with other writers and artists. But FIRST, PLEASE READ MY WORK and if you like it SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG and THEN if you think that I would be interested in your artistic endeavours you can send me an invitation to read your blog. It fucking pisses me off when I get invitations to subscribe to someone's blog and they don't have the common courtesy to fucking subscribe to mine. You get what you give. If you're just a writer or artist who is trying to build their own confidence by building a readers list... FUCK OFF. I'm not interested in your dumbass ego.
Nothing much to tell. Writer, world traveller, poet, amateur filmmaker, teacher, mentor, scapegoat all rolled into one. I do too much for people and get nothing back. I love life but hate everything about it. I believe in nothing and everything. I have dreams but know they will remain forever unfullfilled. I am the pro-active, positive thinker that truly knows and believes that negative-thinking and laziness rule the world. I am nothing... yet I am all things. If there is a God, He is a couch potato who has a constant supply of snax and booze. I was in therapy for years until I figured out that my psychiatrist was hearing voices too. I am the one you want but don't want to have.oh... one more thing...
I'm Canadian
. It's like being American, but without the