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Generate your own contact table!
Dancin, workin out, K1 Fighting, and Cigars
My Bros and Crew
The Legendary Southside Rockers
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Custom Friends Space Generator
Custom Friends Space Generator
Don Campbellock
Boogaloo Sam
Tommy the Clown
Tight Eyez
Brian Green
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My Lil Homies
Toni Roca
Custom Friends Space Generator
Companie Emotion
"Second ID"
I just wanted to take the Time to say thank you to all the Dancers I have seen and met that have inspired me to go on and helped me developing myself. Cause in a way every single dancer no matter how good he or she is, is an insperation for me and many other good dancers I know. I have learned many things during my time as a Dancer and preformer on stage. And what I´ve learned from myself and through other more experienced dancers I always try to pass it on to the next generation or to someone who shares the same passion with me. It is often taking and giving, Battling and learning, sharing and understanding. That´s why I never Battled to become the Best. It just brings out the Best of us all in that certain time and situation. For me it´s more another form of exchangin and showing your skillz. I just hope to learn more and more and give enough back. And become as good as I can be............thank you 4 your support :-)