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I am here for Friends

About Me


My Interests

What do I love? volleyball, playing my guitar, cooking thai food, singing, football, my sorority, writing music, reading, hanging out with friends...

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Comment Images


My top 5: New Found Glory, Kalai, Jack Johnson, Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday...and we'll give 311 a runner-up title!


Funny is Chris Farley.


The Office rules all...I love Dwight!


Just finished "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis...highly recommmed it!


| View | Add FavoriteA Xi babe is a mixture of a boisterous little girl,a troubled adolescent, a sophisticated coed,a charming young woman, and a wise old lady.She's a streak of black and a flash of pink dancing in the union,Taking a quick call, planning a big weekendcutting a two-hour class, loafing in the institute,and whipping up a last minute party.She will tease you some; comfort you when things look badLet you down once in a while,but lift you up when it counts the most, and praise you for your finest qualitiesOn her desk you'll find a concert program, a sorority pin,Mom's last letter, a football schedule,her boyfriend's picture and a calendar of social events.As a sorority girl, she'll exert all her efforts to build a prize-winning powder puff team,compose a clever skit, pay this semester's dues,set the table for tea, decorate for a party,and rush rush rush to the next activity.She's known as an individualist, a party girl, a procrastinatoran absolute failure and a huge success.And when you need a song, she's there to sing it.If you need a dress, she's there to lend it.When you need some understanding she's there to give it.And when you need a sister, she's right there beside you.She can be so much, yet so little.But when she accepts a rose, a shirt and a pin,she becomes my sister and will be til the end.

My Blog


Well, here I am again...and in much better spirits than the last blog I wrote. It's incredible to see what a difference a few months can make...heck, even just a few days...and he sent my world spinni...
Posted by marie on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:35:00 PST

goodbye to you...

I've never hurt so bad before. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to eat, I don't even want to see my friends. My heart is breaking&shattering&gone in a million pieces. You had me. You had me for tho...
Posted by marie on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST