bOhEmiAn QuEeN <3 profile picture

bOhEmiAn QuEeN &lt;3

I make this look 2 easy...

About Me

This little box is way to small for me to go into each and every detail about what makes me Mel. Waaaaaay to small. I'm not gunna feed you all that 'I love taking long walks on the beach' line either because it just isn't my style. To put it simply, I am a young black woman making it in the world. That's it...Notice I say making it not TRYING to make it. In my opinion if you're going to do something then just do it....don't try....just do it. But.....if you want the unabridged version here it goes...My life consists of work, school, friends, fam, good food,traveling, music, music, MUSIC, and sleep whenever I can find time for it. Contrary to popular believe I do not sleep my life away...I'm all about living my life PAST the fullest and making the most out of every day and every opportunity...if I sound like your type of girl go ahead and hit me up at 555............ha you must be crazy. Only the people who really need/ deserve it have those digits...and to be honest gettin @ dudes on myspace isn't my style either...I'm not even really on here like that...sorry. But I do check in from time to time so drop me a line if by chance you happen to have more than the oh-so-played out "Ay Ma....Hey Shawty or my personal favorite...What's good wit it" to say. I promise to hit cha back as long as it doesn't fall into the above mentioned categories...AND LADIES PLEEEEEEEASE STOP SENDING ME "FRIEND" REQUESTS IF WE AINT ALREADY FRIENDS...if you check status it says straight...aint no deviating from that okay...just had to clear that up right quick......dangit. Anyway, I digress and this just turned into a short story so I'm out..... PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

Right now I am really trying to do my best to stay focused on school, but outside of that like I said keep it simple. I love shopping, of course, going to the movies, hanging out with the homies yada yada yada you get the idea...I'm just like you

Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is in the Graphic Design or Advertising Industry that can either help me make connections or put me in touch with the right people....that is just for starters to get business out of the far as celebrities and such I've never been the scream at the sight of someone famous type (fame just doesn't impress me) PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



NoW wE aRe TaLkInG...DuKe, MiLeS, CoLtRaNe, ArMsTrOnG, HoLiDaY, MoNkCoMmOn, RoOtS, MuSiQ, KaNye, BiGgIe...jiLl ScOtT, AvAnT, 112, MaRy J. bLiEge, KeIsHa CoLe,TyReSe,TaNk, DaVe HoLliStEr, TonI bRaXtOn, AnThOnY hAmiLtOn...oH aNd JaMiE fOxX iS cOmIn Up, R. kELLy...NaS, Dj QuIk, SnOoP, DrE, XiBit, LuDaCrIs, JaY-z, E-40, cAmRon BuStA, tRiCk DaDdy AnD wHo CoUlD fOrGeT mAsTeR p...EvEryOnE dId BeFoRe DaNcInG w/ tHe StArs... bAdu, AmEl LaRiEuX, iNdIa ArIe...


Player's Club... Friday 1,2 & 3... Kill Bill 1... Pulp Fiction... Love Jones... Sin City... 3 Strikes... 40 Year Old Virgin... Ocean's 11 (12 wasn't as good as 11)...Breakin all the Rules...Hotel Rwanda...In too Deep...Butterfly Effect...Baby Boy...Thomas crown Affair...Crash...and anything with Denzel, Morris,Shemar, Tay, or Bill Bellamy in it...I know Denzel is like 50 but some things just get better with time...


Top Model, Fear Factor, Top Chef, Iron Chef, Flavor of Love, The HIlls, Laguna Beach, Grey's Anantomy, Projecct Runway, Hell's Kitchen, Deal or No Deal....ALL OF IT...I LOVE IT....except for that new segregated Survivor crap....that the hell is that about?embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="http:// enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"




Gotta give it up to Zora. Have you read Their Eyes Were Watching God? No... Go! Go ead it now, you won't be disappointed. And if we got to give it up for Zora you know I gotta shout out to Maya. I'm talkin' like we're best friends or something...