Josh profile picture


Worthy or unworthy as it may be, my life is my subject, and my subject is my life.

About Me

So, my name is Josh. All in all I am not that interesting. I’m a solitary member of a species that continuously makes leaps and bounds into new worlds and new patterns. My choices and actions have no effect on the whole of society and because of this I have no illusions of grandeur. So if this is indeed an introduction then perhaps I should apologize, but then again perhaps I shouldn't. Anything else? Simply ask. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Reading and Writing

I'd like to meet:

Bob Dylan


Birdmonster, Bob Dylan, Dirty Pretty Things, Jet, The Killers, Louis XIV, OK Go, Pete Yorn, The Rosewood Thieves, The Tender Box, Vandaveer, and We Are Scientists


Superman: The Movie, Rebel Without A Cause, and Cool Hand Luke


Rescue Me and Heroes


1066: The Year of the Conquest, Clockwork Orange, Cat's Cradle, and The Story of My Life


My Dad, My Papa, Kurt Vonnegut, and Jack Kirby

My Blog

An Apology

Recently I've come to the conclusion that I'm a pretty selfish guy, I'm promising myself and everyone I've hurt that this won't be the situation any more. I've hurt someone that I care about immensely...
Posted by Joshua on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:23:00 PST

A Start

Hi guys, I'm just bored, have nothing to do. I made a deal with someone that I won't hold anything back anymore, and because of that here I am. I am having a great time in life now, I finally have a...
Posted by Joshua on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST