streetball, piano, singing, art, recreational conversation, stunting (w/my lil bro), and proving to beautiful women that gentlemen are not extinct and that she can have a relationship with a decent man without the slavery of sex and accountability.test
Kim Burrell (under better circumstances), Bishop Patterson, that's it. everyone else I've met already @ the AIM convention.
gospel, jazz, classical,world music, opera, neo-soul, etc.
The Pianist, What Dreams May Come, V for Vendetta, Crash,And1 Mixtapes, The Devil's Advocate..
BET Runway, Seinfeld, Family Guy, Mind of Mencia, ESPN Streetball,
Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, The time of the Butterflies
Jesus, Melvin B. Leach Sr.,MLK, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Wilt Chamberlain,