What's the "Everglow"? Does the man in the yellow hat have a real name in secret? What is a Seasame? IPOD obsession,flying the jets, a life spent in service, moving my mountains one boulder at a time, a beautiful smile and thirst for truth, Shenandoah in autumn, nostalgia, the amtrak line from VA to new england, black and white photography, living "the dream"!!"Where'd you come from?"...."The Sky"Potatoe Jump
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Righteous folks with a sense of humor and a love of life!The ONEAnsel Adams
My lens for the world.....Anberlin/Desperation/ David Crowder Band/ Billie Holiday/ Mae/ Miles Davis/ Further Seems Forever/ Jack Johnson/ Death Cab For Cutie/Just to name very few.....
THE book, Boy, Purpose Driven Life
Jesus Christ, my grandmother, Mel Gibson