Dating & Relationship Advice
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Looking for someone that Doesn't lie, cheat or play games....Someone I can Trust, someone that communicates, is caring and loving and Romantic,affectionate and passionate.But I am not looking right Now!!!!!!
CoUnTrY aN RoCk!!!Like the 70's and 80's, Jon Bon Jovi & Kenny Chesney
8 SeCoNdS, OpEnRaNgE, MeSsAgE In A BoTtLe, SwEeT HoMe AlAbAmA...
ReBa, ReLaTeD, AmEriCaN IdOl, LaS VeGaS, NaScAr RaCeS DrAg RaCiNg....Rodeo's.... Brother's and sister's, Men in trees...Grey's Anatomy...
Romance and Dr. Phil...... Western, and anything about horses...
~*~My PaReNtS~*~ Who have been supportive and loving all through the years... 4 of 4.