I was born of an illustrious family in Sicily during the 3rd century. Having been consecrated to God from my earliest years, I've refused to accept any marriage proposal. One of my suitors, the senator Quintian was irritated by such determination and brought me to court. In 250, during the persecution of Decius, I was handed over to Aphrodisia, the caretaker of a prostitution den. But with the help of the Lord, I stood firm in my resolution. One month later, I was stretched on the rack, torn with iron hooks and flogged. Finally, my breasts were cruelly crushed and cut off. Four days later, I was rolled naked over live coals mixed with broken glasses. As I was carried back to prison, I prayed: "Lord, my creator, you have taken me from the love of the world and given me patience to suffer. Receive now my soul."
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
nurses,bell-founders; breast cancer patients, firefighters jewelers; martyrs; nurses; rape victims; single laywomen; torture victims; wet-nurses
My Blog
Prayer to Saint Agatha
Prayer to Saint Agatha
Dear Virgin and Martyr, whom the Church recalls in her liturgy, you heroically resisted the temptations of a degenerate ruler. Subjected to long and horrible tortu... Posted by on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 01:42:00 GMT