I needs the weed, where the weed at. I's loves the smack and the crack of a womans back, and I need a piece of that. needs my drinks, and loves to think, bout all the Wisky that I drink.
If your sexy and you know it, Add me, if your not, think twice, and if you just have to anyway, well hit it any way, I post bulletins like crazy and leave some dam tempting comments so if your tempted hit it and if your not get with it and leave it the FUCK alone I'm a solja ready to go to war wit ya. if you ant workin, and you ant smerkin than you must be perkin for a hertin. peace to all yall playaz out there that is who I really want to get to knowin.
Pac, Shady, Chem Romance, Master P, No Limit, Luda, J-Zee, Extacy, DJ-kode, Fifty, Bow Wow, much much more...
Scar Face, Godfather, Generation X, Final Destination, Thin Red Line, Saving Ryans Pubes, Porn, Lezbo Porn, Oceans 11, and hate thos fucking stupid sappy chick flicks SO UNREALISTIC life ant like that, and ne thing with death and violence is great and lots of BLOOD, if you bleed it means your real if you don't your a fake ass bitch and you should die or you already are so bleed motherfucker bleed.
Surpranos, CSI, Will and Grace "I just wana fuck Sharron", Kink, South Park, Duck Man, as a kid Spiderman and Bat Man, and hell Catwoman too "she's hot" and needs alchole, intoxication is the best medicine.
Never was any good at school and never could read nothin, Always had the brainy bitch boys do all the school work for me.. "keep typing bitch".
Who the fuck needs them, and if you do I'm hero enough for all of you, "that's right i'm fucking conceded and what about it, I am my owne dam hero, that's my moto, If I cant do it Nobody can, and if I don't got it than you cant god dam well get it."