Kicking monster's asses, skaldic poetry, my awesome sword, viking longships, the sea, mead, parties
Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, the Blob, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein's monster and all those other monsters, I could totally take them down
other dead heros with myspaces
famous politicians
those stupid kids who think dragons are nice little lizards that make good pets
all my fans
those losers who claim to be me
Eomer, I hear we have a lot in common
The moron who directed that stupid Beowulf movie (the one with Christopher Lambert) and got it all messed up (I'd like to kick his ass and then make him read the book about me while he's recovering)
Seamus Heaney (I've a few words to say about that crappy translation)
Gerald Butler (whatever him and his fans might think, he's NOT me)
Whoever it was who decided to name a supercomputer after me
J.R.R. Tolkien
Whoever it was who wrote that awesome book about me
I've always loved skaldic harp music (especially when it's about me) and more recently I've gotten into this stuff called "metal". Another problem with Valahalla's tech crew being so behind the times is that a music genre has to be at least 30 years old before it get introduced here.
Beowulf (of course), the Edda, any other skaldic verse
Hrothgar, Ecgtheow (he's my dad, too), Eomer, Eric Bloodaxe, Sculd Scefing