no fakers no haters no candlestick makers. .. For a link to a portfolio page go to blogs.
Lyrics born, beanie, red, II tight, portishead, morcheeba, paris combo, tom waits, J. Cash, gnarls b, mos def, deftones, talib, jay, tool, marilyn, NIN, radiohead, paul simon, COCO montoya band, etc etc etc
Amelie, Fight club, grandma's boy, Napolian dynamiteamerican History X, Baraka, scarface, Boondock Saints, Se7en, City of Lost Children, Brotehrhood of the wolf, interview with the vampire, lost in translation, road to perdition, taxi driver, gangs of NY, raging bull, 28 days later, shit loads more. umm, oh and a million to juan and the wizard are the best movies of all time, represent jordy!
Sopranoes, food network, American Chopper, Monster garage, robot chicken, arrested development, desperate HW, and family guy.
McKibben, davis, Cather, Poe,letters to Theo, Tale of Two cities, Choke, F. club,
Scorsese, Fincher, and Junet