Wendy profile picture


I love the darkness but I always walk under the light

About Me

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.ComI love to travel and go out. Check out other club scenes at different cities. I love to dance and listen to music it's my passion. But I don't travel just for that the different places you'll be at the people you see and meet along the way just makes you realize how diverse places can be. Traveling gives me a sense of freedom. I also like home though, there is nothing like hanging out with friends at a local bar and just relaxing and having a few drinks. :) ___________________________________________________________

My Interests

Music, dancing, reading, cute dark stuff (dolls, pics, bags, whatever I find) peircings, gardening, the beach, my dog, decorating, tv, movies, cemetaries, jewelry, clothes, and shoes! _____________________

I'd like to meet:

My equal. I'm not talking about a boyfriend, girlfriend type. I'm just talking spiritual wise type of person. They are out there and have meet a few but not the way I think. Or maybe I have meet them but I didn't realize it at the time... ___________________________________________________________A nd women... ;)


Can't make a list there're too many out there... But I like action, horror, sci-fi, comedies, documentaries, whatever looks interesting to me I'll watch it. No chick flicks, well I'm not into them but if one looks worth seeing then I'll watch it. But I do like to watch lesbian movies. Can't be compared to a regular romance movie because it involves strong women playing these roles. That's why I love them. _____________________


All I can say on this is that TIVO rules! The only shows I see is the L Word, Hex, and the Dog Whisperer (I don't watch that much tv at home, working for a satellite company and watching tv for 8 hrs is enough for me) Science Channel, National Geographic, Food Network, Travel Channel, DIY and Comedy Central._____________________


Books that catch my attention are mainly things that deal with mysticism, our soul, tarot, spells, candle magic, herbalism, and sex magic ;) Also different religions like pagan-wiccan, egyptian beliefs, dark neo pagan as well as neo pagan, celtic beliefs, buddism and much more. I have read many of the ancient beliefs from almost every region of the world and made my own belief system that works for me. I'm an eclectic witch. In my opinion the ancient teachings taught the people from long ago how to listen to the earth and the universe. I think they were on the right path. Humankind at this day in age however aren't listening very well to our surroundings. And I think Mother Nature is going to rattle our world to wake us the fuck up. You'll see... _____________________


adopt your own virtual pet!..



My Blog


Last weekend friends from work and I got together for a small road trip to Monterrey. It was fun, we were celebrating my friend Rommy's birthday and we were going to party over there at her place. Her...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 02:58:00 PST

A few pics from the concert...

Well a little late but I was able to get a few pics from the concert though I was far away. It was me and my little brother that went to the concert. Oscar couldn't go. The people there watching ...
Posted by Wendy on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:39:00 PST

Concert was fun...

The concert was fun, we went this Wednesday to Corpus to see Rob Zombie with Lacuna Coil. Me and Oscar's sister we were close to the stage but not too close because it was packed. We were in the middl...
Posted by Wendy on Fri, 05 May 2006 11:29:00 PST


Last night while the full moon peaked from the clouds it's moonbeam was aiming at dogs body, the moon was watching over him. I knew it was his time. Man he lived for about 13 years and last night...
Posted by Wendy on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 05:07:00 PST

DJ KEOKI!!!!!!

Posted by Wendy on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 03:31:00 PST

Just finished seeing DJ Irene

It was fun though wish I was rolling but oh well drank a little, bit buzzing. Got a t-shirt and autograph yay! Man techno music is in my head... Can't sleep...
Posted by Wendy on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 01:39:00 PST

Back home...

We came back home about 3am long drive fell asleep, just woke up. A lot of shopping, parting and too much drinking... So this week is to recover from it all.    ...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 02:24:00 PST

Back in Austin

Well me and a friend of mine got here yesterday afternoon after being the entire day in San Marcos for the after Thanksgiving sale. It was crazy we left home about 4am and got there about 9 and t...
Posted by Wendy on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 10:01:00 PST

Just came from seeing the new Harry Potter movie.

The movie was very good, though many contents in the movie are no longer aiming for young kids, since they are older things change.
Posted by Wendy on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 02:01:00 PST

Man how can so much shit happen in a week...

This craziness started right from the first day of my 6 day vacation. Right after the concert the van breaks down then we get a tow truck to get to Austin. Oscar's brother was nice enough to come...
Posted by Wendy on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 03:26:00 PST