Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom ..I enjoy an active life. I love Roller Derby,and skating, weight lifting, dancing, swimming, and playing basket ball. I enjoy reading, drawing, painting, making jewelry and photography. I adore Rokabilly fashion & retro pin up girl clothing!!! I am fascintated by everything French, Latin,Celtic & Gaelic. I am currently studying veterinary medicine and have found this to be my final calling in life. I adore animals and their undeniable devotion. This is my baby...DOMINO!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." I chreish my family and my friends and look forward to meeting people from all walks of life. Welcome to my page & into a glimpse of my life... "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. And until we meet again, May god hold u in the palm of his hand."
Without music, life is a journey through a desert!
The Science Of Sleep,Pan's Labryinth, Alice in Wonderland, The Labryinth, The Legend, Dark Crystal, Queen of the Damned, Hamlet, Shakespeare in Love, Romeo & Juliet, The Notebook,Motorcycle Diaries, Closer, In Pursuit of Happiness, The Breakfast Club, Underworld, Gladiator, Alexander, Great Expectations, Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Vanilla Sky,The Secret Window, Edward Scissor Hands, The Shinning..too many! Favorite Actors:
I dont watch much TV these dayz but...CSI hooks me. Grey's Anatomy entertains me, and lost just caught my attention...
Ann Rice, Maya Angelou,Victoria Holt,Sylvia Plath, Dante Alighieri, Publius Virgil Maro,Homer, Plato, Socrates, Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Isabel Allende, Julia De Burgos, Noah Levine, Edgar A Poe, EE Cummings, Tolkien, S Silverstein. I love poetry, the classics, dark realm fictions, romance mystery and on occassion biographies
I admire anyone who can rise above struggles...who defeat their worst fears.. Out of the deluded mud of human existence, filled with greed, hatred, and delusion, in a world where wars, oppression, and lust rule the masses, there are those who can and will rise above the muck and emerge victorious against suffering. -NL