Hey guys...umm I decided to sign up for this for no apparent reason actually...let's see I like to have alot of fun and at times I can be kinda shy but if you get to know mee then you'll see i'm pretty funn. I go to school at The University of North Texas and im majoring in business. I like to go to the movies and if there's one thing I love...it's gurls, gurls, gurls. Without them I don't kno where the world would be. I believe in treating the ladies right. Sure ya'll can be a bit demanding at times but in the end it's worth it. I like to play football and basketball whenevr I get some time and the mall is cool at times when I want some AE clothes but thats bout it. I am down to do anything and just have a good time...if u wanna knoe more my Aim is Ruffridda300 E-mail: [email protected]%A%A %A%A%A %A%A%A%A %A%A%A
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