I have been dabbling in Nature photography (totally amateur) lately. Woodburning art (especially portraiture and wildlife). Check out this site http://www.woodburner.com/ (A lot of talented people here). My motorcycle. Art in general.
Just folks.
50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's etc. (not all of it but specially chosen pieces from each). Hendrix, Skynyrd, Black Sabbath, etc., not enough time to type it all. Also classical. Almost forgot to mention that.
The Village (for some reason I like this movie). Easy Rider. Casablanca. Harold Lloyd (all of them). The Day The Earth Stood Still. The Secret Garden (the old one with Margaret O'brien). Back To The Future (all three). Key Largo. High Sierra. Maltese Falcon. Forever Young. Pleasantville. Can't think of them all
Actually don't watch much public TV.
Mostly history and factual information (even though much of that is debatable). Not into novels or fiction or anything like that.
My favorite Son.