You know what's hilarious? If you're done making jokes about "I wish I knew how to quit you" (and you should be!), watch the 1955 David Lean Summertime (Summer Madness in the UK) for this bit:Rossano Brazzi (* Famous in my mind because of the awful South Pacific, where he says "I killed a man." Just watch it. You'll understand) "You are like a hungry child who is given ravioli to eat. 'No,' you say, 'I want beefsteak.' My dear girl, you are hungry. Eat the ravioli." Kate Hepburn (petulantly, like a child) "I'm not hungry."
I'm pretty satisfied.Then again, I'd like to meet Rupert Murdoch. Not sure what I'd do next. Or how I'd get away with it.That's how tough I am.Tough like a ham.
Adam's Rib. Zardoz. Topsy Turvy. The Little Shop Around the Corner. There's No Highway in the Sky. The Great Escape. The Women (version with Rosalind Russell). The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp.You know what's weird? In Stage Door, the fade between K. Hepburn being successful and the gravestone that they repeat a coupla times. Bizarre.
I like radio. BBC4's Food Programme is pretty good, too. Their Pub Trivia show rocks my world.
Anything by Miss Manners. Patriotic Gore. The Handy-Book of Literary Curiosities. The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. A. J. Liebling's war journalism. Been reading too much Zizek lately.
Edward Said. Pretty much anyone in the American Civil Rights movement. I mean, the people who don't suck. The lions that ate St. Ignatius of Antioch.