Brutal Nerd profile picture

Brutal Nerd

I Play Dead

About Me

Brutal Nerd's Bio · My name is Faith
·I am a post whore on Brismetal
·I hate most of humanity
·I love being by myself
·I love my staffy Amber
·My man's name is Joe and we've been
together for going on 10yrs
·I ·I'm brutally honest
·I say what I think probably
way too often
My interests
·Watching movies
·True crime
·Scrap booking
·Live metal
·Mental illness and disorders
·Nanna naps
I look after the following
Myspace sites

Australia AVULSED GoreRealm
Australia Ghoulunatics Asylum
I like to spend time with people who
·Share my interest in metal
·Are people like the Jodie's, melted bunnies and sexah Joe's in my life
·Are funny yet supportive and brutal Big Smitty's and Pauly's in my life
·Are always there, continually loyal and honest, people hating, independent strong willed women like my good online pals; Ash, Shroom, Debbie the people hating Druid, Jennie and tutti fucking fruitttiii Chassa
·Are down to earth, no bullshit cunts like the meatgrinder's, Fogz's and fist fucker's in my life
·Who aren't total cunts just for the sake of being one
·Are "Realists"
·Aren't here looking for vagina
·Have integrity
·Are Loyal
·Think of others not just themselves

My Interests


Local Metal
·The Dead
·Function Cease
·Internecine Excoriation
·Violent Green
·Dead Letter Opener
·The Meatgrinder
·Epileptic Fist Fuck

Aussie Metal
·Assidian Blood
·Blood Duster
·Limb From Limb
·Pod People
·The Day Everything
Became Nothing

·Acid Bath
·Deeds Of Flesh
·Drawn and Quartered
·Guttural Secrete
·Scar Symmetry

My Blog

Interview with VIOLENT GREEN

I recently caught up with the lads of VIOLENT GREEN to interview them for Band of the Month. Here is what they had to say!Is Violent Green the hurl you have the morning after? or what does it stand fo...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:28:00 PST


TAG - You’re it!THE RULES--each player in this game starts with 7 weird (or not weird) facts about themselves. people who get "tagged" need to write a blog of their own listing 7 things as well ...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 03:31:00 PST

BMcR interview with Rave magazine!

To see the interview online go to Rave’s website and view the PDF version! ...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:50:00 PST

Interview with Dawn of Azazel

New Zealander's Dawn of Azazel are another band playing at METALSTOCK in Sydney this month. More info on the gig here. Faith put on her interviewer's hat again and asked vocalist/bassist Rigel Walshe...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:41:00 PST

Interview with Ebolie on upcoming Metalstock

Recently Faith got a chance to catch up with the Ebolie guys and ask a few questions, here is the outcome.How do you lads differ Metalstock from other fests?Due to the sheer size of previous' Metalsto...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 04:49:00 PST

My interview with Deprave

This month we chat to Travis from the band DEPRAVE.How is the release of TerrorRising going for you guys? It's done really we'll for a self release. We've almost sold out. People have enquired if we...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 06:01:00 PST

BRISMETAL.COM RECORDS UNLEASHED! is pleased to announce the launch of it's very own record label: Records... Run by locals and for locals; the label is dedicated to the recognition, promotion and gen...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:19:00 PST

My interview with Nefaria

This month we have a chat with Pete, Brett, Adam & Neckbeard from Brissy metal band NEFARIA.BM: Guys, what would you say sets you apart from other local brissy acts at the moment? NB: There is all...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:43:00 PST

My interview with Phalanx

This month Brismetal caught up with the lads of Phalanx. Recently moved to Brisbane from Toowoomba, Phalanx continue to impress the locals with an anticipated EP release for February this year.BM: You...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:40:00 PST

So morbid but so good

Encompass'd with a thousand dangersWeary, faint, trembling with a thousand a fleshy tomb, amBuried above ground.          ;  &...
Posted by Brutal Nerd on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 05:47:00 PST