Kim Il profile picture

Kim Il

About Me

Wewl, I am going to take ovewr da wowld. Get used to seeing me awound. Pewhaps I can be best descwibed by pictuwres of pwaces and people and vewy vewy cool things I've done.

My Interests

I wealy wike movies. Movies about espionage and movies about how wonderwful I am. I think mow people should make movies about the wonderwous me. Why don't they see my wonderwousness. I have nukes. I weally wike nukes. You think when you have nukes peopwel wiw tweat you sewiously but they tweat you wike cwap. I hate crawp. I wuv nukes.

Can you smewl da cwispiness.

My Blog

I feew scwewed.

Why does no won appweciate me fow da chawismatic dictatow dat I am. I am a diwector! Not weally a dictatow at awl. See, I want evewy thing to rook rike a movie. Is dat so wong. And hewe I am. Suwwound...
Posted by Kim Il on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST