Sports (Tennis, Squash, Horeback Riding, Water and Downhill Skiing, Soccer); Reading; Travel; Animals; Experiencing life, through the ups and the downs, to learn as much as I can for the short time I am on this Earth.
My Mother and Grandmother in Heaven; My unborn children, grandchildren and great grandchildren; People who aspire for greatness and inspire me to be greater; You.
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Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggae, Rock, Alternative...whatever catches my ear.
Sankofa; Glory; Forrest Gump; Braveheart; The Usual Suspects; Long Kiss Goodnight; To Kill A Mockingbird; The Warriors; Harry and the Hendersons; Constant Gardener; Twister; Amistad; Kamastura; Amelie; The Color Purple; The Addams Family; The Green Mile; The name a few...
Entourage; Big Love; Dexter;Passions; Law & Order; Heroes; Cosby Show Reruns (holla back!); Anything on Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and A&E; Professional Boxing, Ultimate Fighting, College Basketball (Duke vs. ____ ).
Harry Potter Books; Anything by Isabelle Allende and Kathy Reichs; Gregory Macguire books; Unforgiveable Blackness: The Biography of Jack Johnson; Slave Narratives; The Chronicles of Narnia; Any and All Cookbooks.
My Mother, for sacrificing her life in every meaning of the word to give me every opportunity to grow into the woman she knew I could be; My Grandmother, for being the foundation for all of her children and grandchildren that never crumbled no matter how much weight we put on her; My Aunt, for continuing in my grandmother's footsteps and filling her impossibly large shoes; My Dad, for never giving up on his dreams and showing me the true meaning of perserverance in the face of adversity; My ancestors of every race who's names I may not know who died fighting injustice, fighting oppression and loving their people, so that my cousins and I could live better lives than they were allowed.