Shooting. Guns. Frank Butler. My metals. Country life. I'm not very good at domestic things so don't ask me to cook or clean. But if you want me to shoot dinner or clean a gun, I can handle that.
All of the girls that have come after me and won the Annie Oakley shooting competitions because they hold my true spirit. They won't have a problem with any man if they let him know she can shoot. Now that's my kind of woman.
Old music. Music I'm sure has been long forgotten by the likes of you, but there is some new music I like. These kids that go by the name of "Everybody Else Wins" really like me and so they aren't so bad.
Movies were rare when I died in 1926 so I can't really give you an answer on this one.
Television? What's that?
I did like to read when I could, but most of the time I wasn't able to unless I was travelling. I read every now and then, but I'm sure they were books you wouldn't know anything about.
My heroes are all the women who stand up for what they believe in and don't take any guff from some dumb man. A man should love and respect you for who you are. Heck, that's why I loved my guns so much. No man ever messed with me. I'm a huge advocate for women, so if you are a woman, making it in the modern world, you are my hero.