Gambling, Driving, Paintball, Computers, Music, Cars, New Technology, Gaming, Family Guy, Cooking, Eating, Movies
If its got rhythm and a hardcore beat, I love it~ Techno~Alternative~ R&B~ Rap~ Rock~ Pop~ w/e
Forest Gump, Boondock Saints, Equilibrium, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Crash, Rounders, Kung Fu Hustle, Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, Lost in Translation, Saving Private Ryan, Truman Show, Kingdom of Heaven, Bourne Identity, Tae-Guk-Ki
Arrested Development, LOST, 24, Family Guy, BLEACH, Naruto
The Da Vinci Code, The Boxcar Children, Where the Red Fern Grows, Angels and Demons, The Phantom Tollbooth, C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, The Bible, The Hardy Boys............It's been a while since I've read anything so I just put in some books I could remember.