Casanova is your modern day persona of a james dean/scarface musical wordsmith. Unlike many of today's most popular rap artists, he built an extensive catalog of over 700 written songs, and over 400 recorded hits before making his mark on the charts and enjoys underground respectability as well as mainstream acceptance . Before that, he was the watcher, a young man from El Salvador's urban projects. As an adolescent, Casanova increasingly found himself mired in the criminal underworld, a life he had known since his Central American birth. It wasn't until the mid 90's that he found the courage to share his lifestyle with the world.
Though Casanova had considered other options for the outcome of his life, his older sibling (Carlos) who was career deep into music had started to share his ideals for the art form with his younger brother. Secretly recording music on his own behind the scenes, he eventually summed a few hits to make people notice the coming, and rise of an untold classic.
During the Christmas holiday of 1999, Casanova's older sibling was shot and murdered by a police officer in Central America. The stone had now rolled over on him since his older sibling had previously scored a record deal during the same season, and had already been in a studio cutting an album. By now Casanova was somewhat developed enough to follow the footsteps laid down before him by his undying love for the blood left from such an obscene matter.
Enter Casanova. Named and donned by an elder local authority figure/drug dealer, he was invited for a special visit with the common yet powerful street hustler for a one on one conversation. At the meeting he placed a gun in Casanova's hands and said "life or death is before you... You rap well, do something with it. Don't let these streets take you. Take them. Divide and conquer. You’re a regular Casanova on the microphone, and I see where your life is headed. If you want major work than continue to come to me, if you take what you have and pay your dues you'll have more power than half the hustlers on the street. I know you won't fully leave the life your in, but you must think about this. I hear things, I know things, I feel things... & I have a feeling about you and the outcome you may possess." He now had an oath laid on his brothers coffin to continue his hallmark, and the faith of the streets waiting with their loyalty for his product.
As a young MC, Casanova appeared on several mixtapes, and did work with numerous rising stars. He is one of the most promising lyricists in years, a rapper who vividly portrays the highs and lows of being street, being truth, and being human.
No matter where he's moved to New York, Florida, El Salvador, etc. He still lives and, captures the image of the ghetto with the brilliance of his heart, accompanied by the wit of his "tell tale" pen. See all, bare all; he will not back down from any position in his songs. Rapping about love, hate, streets, family, religion, politics, abortion, war, economic injustice, and every day to day experience.
Having already recorded 13 solo unreleased/released album projects by 2002, he began "Pennitentiary Records", an indie establishment to call his empire. He later grouped artists whom he either grew up with, or encountered, to design there musical path within the label. Home to great producers and recording artists, "Pennitentiary Records" goal is to merge with a major in order to control creative aspects of the industry within the music. Having turned down 5 record deals, making quality music is more than an obvious priority for such a well accomplished artist. "By having my own entity I can exercise my options. Even more so if I'm blessed enough to team up side by side with a major record label" says Casanova.
2006. Casanova has now currently released his first commercial album entitled "Casanova's - The Franchise". This album contains some of the most vivid production to date with heat making production by Y-not, n33nyo, Mack, Soundsmith Productions, Snazz, Watts, Mestabish, and other global production. Out of his 600 song catalog Casanova has chosen only what will mark the beginning of his history, and land him at the top of the urban charts for the triumph of a lifetime. The album is on sale now at his official website. VISIT TO SEE, HEAR, & BUY THE FRANCHISE.
2007. Casanova is currently wrapping up production on his second commercial album entitled "God Body." Claiming this is the greatest set of material he has ever made. The album carries executive production from the usual suspects Soundsmith. & co production has been brought to the table by Conscript, Xv, Duke Dinero, Seven, Zale, Da Coz, Hollywood, Mestabish, and even Casanova. Guest appearances will feature artists such as C Mil$, Str8 Business, Calibur, Da Kid Swift, J Booggie, Hakeem, Sess Alvarez, Young, and more. The album will be an enhanced cd with video, pictures, interviews, and exclusive secret bonus material only available to those who purchase an official copy. Simply placing the cd in any computer will grant you access to all of the exclusive content. The first few thousand people to buy their copies will receive theirs autographed. As usual shipping will be free anywhere on the planet with USA/CAN copies being sold for only $10 and international orders at the price of $15. Downloadable copies will also be sold at the price of $5. There is a special limited edition dvd being included but you must act now to reserve your official copy. Be advised that many of Casanova's past projects have been leaked or bootlegged across the United States whereas legal action has been taken to preserve the integrity of those past products, and all future projects. Watts Multimedia Group has been fair in sharing some of Casanova's past projects for free such as those available on myspace or at But absolutely no copies of the album "God Body" will be given away for free online. Pre orders may be placed directly at or you may wait for the album release soon. VISIT TO SEE, HEAR, & BUY THE GOD BODY.
Click the "Pay Pal" ad above to visit Casanova's official website where you can purchase the newest Casanova cd's and mixtapes. Remember "Pay Pal" is the internet's most used method of payment and also the safest.
Buy The Franchise Album At
Just $10.00 With Free Shipping To Anywhere In The World!
Help spread the word about Casanova's new album "God Body". Post the album cover on your MySpace page. Just copy the code below and paste it into your profile.
Just $10.00 With Free Shipping To Anywhere In The World! Buy The Downloadable Version Of The God Body Album At
Just $5.00! (On The Buy Cd Page). Purchase Using Pay Pal & Promptly Recieve A Private Download Link In Your E-mail. The Downloadable Version Contains All Covers, Enhanced Cd, & More. (Same As Physical Cd Version)
Casanova's Album "GOD BODY" is coming soon. The long awaited album has been recorded in secrecy and features some of the best rap songs you will ever hear in the game. Hosting surprise features and classic production by some of americas finest power houses. Check the blog section for upcoming tour dates in your state. [Booking information is also available at the blog section - Also note that all songs on the myspace player with the "God Body" cd cover image are from the album]