Gettin crazy stupid, being bout it bout it, gettin drunk as a skunk, ridin dirty, actin a fool, gettin wild, Knucking if I'm buck, gettin loaded like a freight train, flyin like an aeroplane, looking good, laziness, treating objects like women, raising the roof, letting the dogs out, watching movies, getting all my homework done early,"gettin juciced up beyond belief", gettin jiggy, slow playing the nut flush on fifth street then check raising all in, barbecues everyday, drivin fancy cars, rollin with my motherfuckin strap on tha side a me, talkin shit on your bitch ass.
me likey
That one movie with that guy from that movie with that girl that used to be on that show on tv with the dad from that show where they lived in that house, that's like my favorite movie ever!
When the world crashes in into my living room Television man made me what I am People like to put the television down But we are just good friends
No thank you
Tanya Harding, Patrick Bateman, Telly, dead people.