♥515o kweenSs && wUt♥♥((515o kweenSs))
♥♥♥ wUtSs up..ma name iSs jaCkie-0 beTta kn0wn as((lonely girl))i stay up in adelanto.. im 15 yearSs 0ld..well im in dat b0mb aSs kreWw<515o kweenSs && wUt i stay repin it t0o ma fUlleSt iHATE shit talkerSs waNnabeSs && 0fc0rse the haterSs s0o if y0ur wUn get the fuCk oFf ma page triCk.. bUt if y0ur gUnNa talk shiIt it w0nt faze me becaUse <ma haterSs>+<me>=fam0Us well n.e.waySs imMa ko0 pers0n wUnce y0u get to0 kn0w me jUst d0nt giTt on ma baDd sIde .N. we w0nt have any pr0blemSs bUt if y0u aCt a fo0l i might jUst lo0se ma ko0 aNd haNdle sUm bUsineSs becaUse i g0tSs to0 keep it gaNgsta y0u kn0w h0w i do0..i like to0 go0 oUt with ma h0mieSs to0 kiCk it im a fly gUrl with a vato so0 i jUst go0 oUt f0r fUn bUt cha kn0w i stay ((freSh)) to0 death..
&& fuCk all thesse bUsterSs i fuCkin HATE
♥♥thatSs right♥♥wUn day y0u'll sEe all the paIn y0u pUt me thrU && when that day cUmSs i w0nt be there f0r y0u becaUse y0ur the wUn left t0o l0ok lyke a <[i>f0ol] && the next gUy will already kn0w wUt he haSs iSs g0od && n0t treat me lyke y0u..
i lUv ma beSteSt friend esa lady dreamer i lUv y0u ma && thankSs f0r alwaySs being there f0r me
♥the way he makeSs me feel♥
fuCk it live y0ur life t0o the mUtha fuCkin fulleSt && fuCk da reSt
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