~LADY LEATHER NECK~ profile picture


I'm Smiling that alone should SCARE YOU..

About Me

All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Tulsa
Middle name?:: Sue - I know what can I say my parents were undercover Rednecks..
Like your name?:: It's unique
Named after anyone?:: After a Country Song.. (My dad's idea..)
Any nicknames?:: Sue- used by my family
Age?:: I stopped counting after I turned 21..
Birthdate?:: December 18 19something
Birthplace?:: Phoenix, Az
Time you were born?:: dunno
Current location?:: San Diego, CA- Feels good to be home!!
Height?:: 5'5'
Like your height?:: nah.. I could use a couple more inches
Eye color?:: brown
Contacts/glasses?:: 20/20 vision
Hair color?:: Light brown
Natural hair color?:: Black
Dye your hair often?:: I'm a Chamaleon
Righty or lefty?:: Righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Alternative, Punk, Emo and Country
Band or singer?:: The All American Rejects as of now
TV show?:: College BB and College FB; NASCAR; NFL
Movie?:: Tombstone.."I'm your Huckleberry"
TV channel?:: ESPN
Radio station?:: 92.1
Place to be?:: In bed next to Dustin
Thing to do?:: Dustin..
Food?:: Lasanga
Non alcoholic drink?:: I don't tease myself anymore.. Im home now no more "near beer.."
Alcoholic drink?:: Im a loyal Budgirl
Animal?:: a
Holiday?:: July 4th
Season?:: Summer Bikini season
Sport?:: Basketball
Place to shop?:: Abercrombie & Fitch
Clothing brand?:: Abercrombie & Fitch
Scent?:: Eternity by Calvin Klein
Restaurant?:: Texas Roadhouse
Fruit?:: Pear
Vegetable?:: Greenbeans
Fast food restaurant?:: Sonics- but they don't have that here..
Pizza topping?:: Sausage and Mushrooms
Ice cream flavor?:: Strawberry
Magazine?:: Cosmo
City?:: San Diego.. lots of eye candy
Color?:: Blue
Number?:: 7; 8; 12; 11; All have something in common can u guess?
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: Pepsi
Hot or cold?:: Definately HOT.. less clothes
Black or white?:: I like wearing Black; For dating preference "White"..
Dog or cat?:: Dog by the name with a name beganning with a "B" and ending with an "N"!
French toast or pancakes?:: French Toast
French fries or onion rings?:: French Fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hamburger, I like a weenie every now and then though..
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Sausage
Britney or Christina?:: neither they are both tralier trash
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?:: George Strait
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada- Adam Beach is from there..
Hug or kiss?:: A long passionate kiss..always makes my day
Movies or TV?:: Movies- rarely go dont have time..
Truth or dare?:: Truth
Do you...
Shower daily?:: twice a day
Sing in the shower?:: sometimes..
Like to sing?:: After a couple beers yeah..
Like to dance?:: on a table? yes..
Smoke?:: slowly quitting
Drink?:: yes..
Cuss?:: All the f**king time..
Talk to yourself?:: No not lately
Believe in yourself?:: I gotta believe in something
Play an instrument?:: No god given talent here.
Go to school?:: No
Go to college?:: yes but I dropped out to playhouse
Have a job?:: Hell yeah with one of the greatest Organization in the world
Like your job?:: OOH- RAH!!
Want to get married?:: Been there done that got the T-shirt..
Want to have kids?:: I have already reproduced.. They are beautiful, blessed with my genes..
Get along with your parents?:: yup
Get along with your siblings?:: What's that? The rocks I call brothers? yes.. luv em
Drive?:: yes, although I have been told I didn't know how..must be a Cali thing
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes..I would like to think so
Think your funny?:: After a couple beers yes..
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: no to much effort
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no.. cow tipping?
What are your parents names?:: Nathaniel and Nila
Siblings names?:: Dumb and Dumber
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Religiously
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: twice a day
Collect anything?:: Dale Earnhardt Jr memorbila
Ever been in love?:: Yes twice..
In love right now?:: What da ya think? yes I'am
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Black sweats
How does your hair look?:: messy.. in bed all day
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yes.. most definately still recovering that jackass
Ever broken the law?:: ummm.. yeah I ran a red light today and what da ya know there was a cop right behind me...
Been arrested?:: I have been an overnight guest..
Been out of the country?:: Several times just came home from Iraq
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: No
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Last night.. It was great Im in recovery
Do you do drugs?:: NO
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: Coffee and Redbull a couple days ago
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: On.. I want to see everything
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: yeah when gravity starts taking over
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: yes doesn't everybody
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes but it has been a longtime..Nov 10, 1996 I broke my nose playing BB in South Dakota
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Yes it was a great feeling..
What was the last thing you ate?:: Shrimp Alfredo
What time do you go to bed?:: on weeknights 9 on weekends pretty late..
What's your favorite color?:: Blue
Do you like to give or recieve?:: both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Running is my obsession; But Im someones obsession..
Do you live alone?:: Not for long..my bed will no longer be vacant
Do you own a blender?:: yes several
Do you like the snow?:: Luv it.. Skiing
Ever been up a mountain?:: Yes, but not for the scenery..
Ever been rootin'?:: no
Do you like surprises?:: Yes if it involves a certain someone..
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I'd like to meet:

Already met him years ago., My Hot Drill Instructor in San Diego.. I luv u Dustin!!!!!!!!


I love anything from maroon5, Nine Inch Nails, Dashboard Confessionals, The Pixies, Incubus, Staind, Fallout boy, Queens of the stone age, Bad Religon,Penny wise,etc to Georges Strait, Kenney Cheseney, Tim Mcgraw I love music I listen to just about anything except Gangsta Rap is that what they call it? Rap isn't really my kind of music they make money off of degrading women.


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Don't watch television the only time I will watch is during college Basketball season and College football Season. I like watching men in tights chase each other up and down the field. This year I will miss out on watching Matt Leinart play for The Cardinals. Although Brady Quinn didn't get the Heisman I still look forward to him being the number 1 draft pick and kicking ass and taking names next season. Good Luck to The Colts although Manning is a dork I'd rather see my hunny Leinart out there... Maybe next yr huh?


Myspace Layouts


My hero is The Apache Warrior "GERONIMO"! ooh yeah! Why because he didn't take shit from anybody!He stood up for what he truly believed in and died fighting for it! Absolutely FEARLESS!

My Blog


Bring back the memories,This one's giving up on you.I don't miss giving up on you,And there's no more time.Forgive me one more time.'Cause I don't want youAway.Just bury me I amAwayWhispered warningAw...
Posted by Tulsa on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 12:58:00 PST

"It ends tonight.." It sure has!!

I finally had that talk that I was hoping I would never have to have. I talked to my Ex the other night. And it was very Emotional for me. He has shared a part of my life with me that I had alway...
Posted by Tulsa on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:25:00 PST


This is something I would like to share with all of you. I got this the other day from believe or not another man. Who thought I could use this to my advantage. Who know's but it does make you think??...
Posted by Tulsa on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:58:00 PST