I was born in San Francisco to a father of Italian descent and a mother of German and Irish ancestry. I was raised in Rohnert Park, lived in Los Angeles for 2 years while attending UCLA, and now live in Santa Rosa where I work for an internet startup company. I really enjoy seeing new intersting places. I have been to Germany, Italy, Switzerland, England, and a few choice places in the U.S. (Honolulu, New Orleans, and Las Vegas).
I think that one of the most important things in life is to not take yourself too seriously. Two great strengths in life are the ability to laugh at yourself and the capacity for self-examination. Socrates famously said, in one of my favorite quotes: "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Honesty and loyalty are values I most treasure, as well as intellectual curiosity. I think that everyone should strive toward having open and inquiring minds. My motto is that we should let people have the freedom to do whatever they wish as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of anyone else.
I believe that change is a positive thing. Our lives are changing every day, as are we. As they say, "Change is the only constant." It is GOOD to change your mind, change your actions, and change your life. As Confucius put it, "Only the wisest and stupidest men never change."
Here is a very interesting link, take a look:
- Interview
with Nobel Prize winning Economist Milton Friedman(RIP)on the Drug War: