*Mr. and Mrs. Politic* profile picture

*Mr. and Mrs. Politic*


About Me

we have been together for god knows how long. trev-sing lead and play bass in an old-school punk band, can't eat fish, bouncer, guity pleasure :new age music and snow globes. trisity-manager at a bar, booking punk shows with the doll at our bar, bartender, stacking chips, I love pugs, the color pink, chinese art,chapstick,leopard print and polka dots, I love getting into a good battle of wits, and it amuses me when people get mad and all defensive. THINGS WE HATE: wet paper, bratty children,girls that wear tons of make-up, sluts, bros, hot-topic/torrid (get over it ya posers), people that don't tip their bartender, people who forget their ID at the bar, bettie paige, lies, stealing, people who drive 40 on the fwy, people who don't shower, people who have cheese teeth from not brushing, nightmare before xmas stuff such as chopsticks, drying off with a wet towels, baggy bondage pants, the smell of dried up spit,old-pig-like men, cellphones, people who don't let us pet their dog, people who don't clean their ears, sales people that don't know how to multi-task, bartenders that buckle under pressure, girls that bounce around and act like whores,then wonder why guys treat them like pieces of meat, snotty people.... WE LOVE ALL OF OUR FRIENDS DEARLY, EVERYONE ELSE-YOU SHOULD BE DRUG OUT IN THE STREET AND SHOT...This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor .r{;}.navbar {visibility:visible;} .navbar font {visibility:hidden;}table td div div font {visibility:hidden;}a img {filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6; opacity:0.6; -khtml-opacity:0.6;}a:hover img {filter:none; -moz-opacity:1.0; opacity:1.0; -khtml-opacity:1.0;}img {border:0px;}.blacktext10 {border-top-width:1px; border-bottom-width:0px; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px;border-color:white; border-style:outset; display:block; width:260px;}table table table {width:300px;}table table td.text table, table table td.text table td {width:100%;}body, textarea, div {scrollbar-face-color:black;scrollbar-highlight-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color:white;scrollbar-shadow-color:black;s crollbar-darkshadow-color:white;scrollbar-arrow-color:white; scrollbar-track-color:black;} Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

GET YOUR TATS AT AMERICAN BEAUTY IN SEAL BEACH, FROM BRANDON HOOK!!!!!!!!!!! Bass, Guitar, making music, creating Art, and going on road trips, animals, taking pictures, tattoos, making movies, pugs, asian art.

I'd like to meet:

people who don't suck.


Screamers, Circle one, U.K. Subs, M.D.C., The Dicks, Bad Posture, Agression, Avengers, Icons Of Filth, N.O.T.A., Black Flag, The Freeze, Damned, Spizz, Weirdos, Naked Aggression, The Gossip,Dead Kennedys, The Stitches, Chaos UK, Peni,Oldies and of course my band Dick-Politic.


Dawn of the Dead, Dead Alive, Day of the Dead, Lifeforce.


Young Ones, Family Guy, Simpsons.© I got My Skulls Here xXx


go ask alice, disco bloodbath, wise guy, music books, one flew over the cuckoos nest. of mice and men.


heroes are for suckers