I am Jacksons Mama! profile picture

I am Jacksons Mama!

And now let the wild rumpus start!!!

About Me

I edited my profile at MsPremade.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!
The Ultimate Favorites:
What is/was your favorite...
Color? Electric Blue followed closely by Hot Pink
Number? 23
Day of the Month? Ummmm.....the 15th and the 30th. PAYDAY baby!!
Day of the Week? Saturday. Brey and me time
Drink? Water......oh yeah and fresh apple cider
Food? Dessert! Dessert must be eaten first- that way you get full on the good stuff. Oh yeah, and shake and Bake Pork Chops with Lemon.....I know, wierd right?
Transportation Device? Um??Mike has navigation...thats kinda cool
Month? October...love it!!
Grade in School? 3rd. The year before I discovered boys, and I actually went to school to learn!!!
Movie? Too many to list....all time fave is My Fair Lady. Or Dawn of The Dead....I know....Im complicated
Genre of Music? Probably Musical Theater???Or anything with feeling.....
Restaurant (non fast-food)? Sweetwater Tavern or the Crescent Beach Grill in Florida
Fast-food Restaurant? Ewwww.......If I can help it I avoid.....if I have to pick-I'd say Chik-fil-A
Holiday? Every day is a celebration, y'all!
Piece of Clothing? Who needs clothes, really?
Hairdo? hair parted and jammed in a pony
Subject in School? without a doubt it was English or Drama
Board Game? Scrabble Baby!! Seriously, I am addicted.
Sport to Play? The Game of Life.....haha...nah--probably anything equestrian related.......
Sport to Watch? PBR!!!Justin Mcbride.....Mike Lee.....Paulo Crimber....mmmmmm.....
Time of the Day? Bedtime silly
Computer Game? I don't really play computer games....but Mike and I did play Family Feud a few times...that was all right :)
Video Game? House of the Dead.....but only the ones with the guns at Dave and Busters.....so cool!!!
Book? Left Behind
Cereal? Special K with Berries or buttery grits
% of Milk? 0% -duh!
Meat? I dont know....Im not feeling the meat thing lately.....a few months ago I wouldve said steak....but the little monkey inside is a vegetarian apparently!
Vegetable? broccoli probably.....oh yeah....and creamed corn with cheese the way Mom #2 makes it
Fruit? lately? cranberries! But I'd have to say I love blueberries too....frozen ones.
Song? I love too many.....I really love "Part of your World" from The Little Mermaid, or "A little Fall of Rain" from Les Miserables
Band/Artist? Geez......this list is too long too...I love all music.....I'll give anything a shot
Instrument? Piano......or Spanish Guitar
Shape? Circle.....it goes on and on and on and is neverending
Silly Word? onomatopoeia
Animal? Unicorns....horses....or koala bears/polar bears/black bears.....bears in general.
Sitcom TV Show? Heroes or 24 or The Shield
Reality TV Show? Joel Osteen on Sunday morning
Gemstone? Amethyst is my birthstone....but I love the classic look of pearls
Scent? Romance by Ralph Lauren.....or fresh calla lillies
Phrases on IM? lol....I think everything is funny
Kind of Chocolate? The kind thats in my mouth!!
Cell Phone Company? Ummmm???Sprint? They all rip us off one way or another!
Brand of Clothes? Im not a brand whore....but I do love the look and feel of Express
Mall to Shop? Tysons
Kind of Cheese? um??shredded?haha.....nah.....brie.....with mango chutney
Kind of iPod? I dont do ipods
Kind of Tea (hot, iced, green, etc.)? sweet tea...or white tea
Brand of Car? whatever brand I can afford!!!
Kind of Shoe? ALL KINDS......I dont discriminate
Brand of Jeans? Express Short Size Nunya
Kind of Hat? Ahhhhhh....wide brim, sun hat, black bow.....like the kind you wear at Gold Cup
Color of Highlighter? Pink I guess? Or yellow
Way to Work-out? Pilates. I firmly believe in Pilates. Oh yeah, and certain physical activities with my husband.....those are the best work outs!!
Snow sport? Skiing....or ice-skating.
Season? FALL
Country? USA baby!!But I do love the wonders of Greece too...
State (in the U.S.)? Florida or New York
Card Game? Go Fish with Aubrey.....she loves it.
Insect? Flutterby's
Brand of Shampoo? Garnier Fructis
Brand of Toothpaste? Crest.....since I was a kid
MTV Show? My sweet 16.....it makes me want to cry....but I still love it
Movie Theater Snack? Sour patch gummies
Jim Carrey Movie? Me, Myself and Irene
Adam Sandler Movie? Click....or Big Daddy.....or Little Nicky....
Playground Equipment (slide, swing, monkey bars, etc.)? Im all about flying....so get me on the swings baby
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My Interests

I just became a mommy again, to our 3rd boy in the family, our little monkey- Jackson, and though I am so excited about that--I am realizing that being a stay at home mom means that you have to work 24 hours a day now instead of only 8!!But there is no better way to spend my time, I am sure of it. Who needs the mortgage business when you have such cute little faces to look at every day! So I am pretty much on cloud nine lately....glad for my second chances, and unanswered prayers. Glad for the friends I have, and the friends I have yet to make. I am madly in love with my family. Ready for the rest of my life to come on and I am overjoyed that everything has turned out better than I ever dreamed. I didn't exactly turn out famous, you know---but I am a celebrity in many other ways that are far more lasting.

Before I built a wall I'd ask to know what I was walling in or walling out- and to whom I was like to give offense.
-Robert Frost (exert from one of my many favorites- "Mending Wall")

I'd like to meet:

Mr. Destiny. Mother Nature. Father Time. My Guardian angel. Jesus. Judas. Mary M. My father (dead or alive). To know where he is buried at least would be nice.Tsion Ben-Judah. Buck Williams. Judge Wapner. Tori Amos. The real Allison Dubois. I'd like to meet Raven Simone so my daughter could have her autograph. She loves her some Raven. Jack Bauer. Anyone from law and order-any version- but I love Jack the most from the original show. (Detective Stabler from SVU will do though!) George Bailey. Nostradamus. Stephen King. The Bee Charmer. Audrey Hepburn,or even better Eliza Dolittle AND Henry Higgins. Joel Osteen. Katie Couric-you go girl! Mariah- she's on fire. Chaucer. Frost. E.B.Browning. Lahaye and Jenkins. Harry Connick Jr. Brooke Sheilds..any and everyone with an opinion and a passion for life.


I generally love everything..., pop, jazz, christian, bluegrass, fun old skool hip hop, RnB, DnB,uplifting rap (there is such a thing, I promise), romantic 80's from back in the day, some punk, most reggaeton.....whatever is clever and has a good vibe. Lyrics are important to me too.....if you dont have anything coherent to say, then the beat is all you need... dont speak it if it doesn't really mean anything. Music doesn't always have to be terribly terribly deep (I mean I'm not trying to be a snob about it) and maybe my age is showing- but I am getting really sick of songs where all the "artist" does is yell "shake your ass" and "suck it, bitch", over and over again 20 different ways.......you feel me?


Anything Audrey, or Katherine Hepburn. Anything Jimmy Stewart. If its black and white I probably have already seen it, and love it. If it aint black and white, then I go to the other extreme and indulge in zombie moves, 80's movies, and anything Adam Sandler-esque with just the right amount of stupid and funny. Oh yeah, and any movie that lets me stare at Brad Pitt or Ben Affleck for two hours or so, is A-okay by me, lol!


I know its bad for you- butI love TV and I have a favorite probably every night. (thank goodness for DVR) here is my long list: Anything on TCM or ACM, Heroes (I secretly am in love with the Petrelli brothers!), Grey's Anatomy, House, Law & Order SVU or plain ole L&O, CSI, Medium, Joel Osteen on Sunday mornings, History Channel stuff-love, love, love historical theology--whenever they have it, Mythbusters, Cold Case Files/Forensic stuff. I used to love 24 but this season is just plain awful.


WTEWYE for the next one coming, lol...yeah Mike and I are crazy i know. WTETFY for little Jackson. The Left Behind series- all of them, Zombie Survival Guide, Little Women, Lightning, The Stand, To Kill a Mockingbird, Arthur Spiderwicks Field Guide, Bridge to Teribithia, Cantebury Tales, Elegant Spirit by Sean Ferrer. Tuck Everlasting. A Million Little Pieces, though it was bs. I like plays too, Summer and Smoke (TW) and Caged Birds are really good


All children of divorce, custody battles, and single parent families. That they survive is not the miracle...but that they still smile and hope and find happiness...that is the most heroic thing of all.

My Blog

the tale of three trees (this is soo sad!!)

THE TALE OF THREE TREES   Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods.They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, "Someday I hope to be a treasure chest.I could ...
Posted by I am Jacksons Mama! on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 07:42:00 PST