family , future... future children , SkAtEBoArDs ..... TaTToO'S, ..... LoS AnGeLeS CA ....... going to the movies .... Lyfe !!!!
every 1 .....
All music ... ............. Yashi , Michael J. , Funkadelic , Prince , Austin Brown , Fly society (Tk and the homiez), Eric B. & Rakim , Dana Dane ....etc ......
ALL ...... comedy, horror , action , drama ..... Friday the 13th , Halloween , The stoned age , Fast times , Casino , etc ........
FLiNTsToNeS ......, CURB , entourage , all hbo programs .... SPORTS .....
the bible ....... all books with knowledge about this thing called lyfe .....
ToDaYS yOUTH ... AnD AnYoNE WHo StAnds uP FoR wHaT ThEy Believe ....... My wIFE / Soul Mate!!!