Moving forward. Reading. Writing. Gaming. Film. Volleyball. Beats. Boats. Diving. Creating. Cunning Linguists. Partying. Cuddling. Salty Wenches. Dancing slow. Dancing close. Going out. Locking the door. Horseback riding, and meeting new peoples!
A girl who knows she's hot, but doesn't really give a flying rat's ass about it.
And The Man, the Myth, the Legend - Ronald Jenkees
Grand National - (Old School) Chicago - The Guess Who - Led Zeppelin - Earth Wind and Fire - All D&B, Progressive, Industrial, Ambient, and Tantric - Electronic - Experimental - D'Angelo - Explosions in the Sky (They fucking KILL IT) - Depeche Mode - Jay Dilla Jay Dee (RIP) - Saint James when he's sober and spinning - Anyone else when he's drunk - G Unit - KORN - Method Man - WuTang Clan - Orbital (RIP) - Underworld (Who wasn't Born Slippy?) - Les Nubiens - Sasha & Digweed - BT & Tiesto - Felix da Housecat
Thank You For Smoking - Gladiator - Braveheart - Amistad - King Kong - Lord of the Rings - Godfathers 1&2 - Rocky 1-3 - Serpico - Austin Powers 1-3 - Anything with Michelle Wild - Star Wars 1-6(Hey, name a perfect movie. Now try to name 6 movies that were in a series that were perfect. So he screwed up on a few of them? Who cares?)- Batman Begins - Underworld - What the Bleep Do We Know? - Rainwoman Volume 13
Hey, I know! KILL YOUR TELEVISION. Go use the shit between your ears.
Blink, Tipping Point, Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Brothers Karamzov, The Idiot, The Harry Potter Series, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Simultaneous Rising Action, Hondo, Killoe, and any Louis L'Amour book/novella/short story/memoir/pamphlet, Patriot Games and every Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan story following, Cosmos
Jan Michael Vincent - Officer Jon Baker - Jesus BarJoseph of Galilee - Gandhi - Dr. Martin Luther King - Albert Einstein - My cousin Kevin rockin' it in Afghanistan