Rugby, soccer, working out, drinking....responsibly, Jonny D's, 3rd reg weight room, people.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Pressfield, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, The guy who started Gym Jones, his name escapes me as i write this.... or anyone who wants to meet me.
too many to name.....i dont like some country and some rap....depends on mood.
Gladiator, Fight Club, Heat, Requim For a Dream, Second Hand Lions, Donnie Darko, Super Troopers, Gangs of New York, American Beauty, Garden State, Pumping Iron, Team America, The Jackal, Brick, Running Scared, Trainspotting... too many more to name...
south park, the office, the unit, malcolm in the middle, anything on discovery channel.
fight club, choke, Gates of Fire, Lords of Discipline, pillars of the earth, kite runner, enders Game.....too many more to name
My Brother, People who have had a positive impact on the world. Inventors. the character of Hub McCoy In the movie Second Hand Lions. The character of Maximus in Gladiator.