I wonder if the guy who actually played The Predator will ever get a job as governor of somewhere.I recently got back from a hunting excursion to Africa. This was like 5 months ago now, I know I've been saying pictures coming soon for 5 months, but seriously. Patience. They're coming.I am an aspiring comedian.I love rifles, and am somewhat good with one.Dance parties are the shit.Back scratches are the quickest way into my heart. Seriously.Singing is a way of life for me. If I'm not singing or drumming, keep your ears open because I soon will be.I'm a waiter at Souper! Salad.I went to UT straight after high school (grew up in College Station), am now taking a year off of school ending in Spring '07. I am now enrolled at A&M.Guitar Hero=My heroine.My true friends mean the world to me, and I think I've pretty much figured out who they are.I rag on my friends, but it's because I love you.
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