ON MYSPACE: friends IRL, quality creative and character driven individuals, Objectivist friendly types, Myers-Briggs/Enneagram personalty system enthusiasts...
FROM THE PAST: Ayn Rand, Katharine Cook Briggs, Isabel Briggs Myers, Mary Wollstonecraft, George Burns, Leo Busgalia, Erik Erikson, Maria Montessori, Richard Feynman, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Katharine Hepburn, Sigmund Freud, Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln...and on a personal note, I'd like to meet a few past generations (say, 150 years worth) of relatives from both sides of my family.
IN THE FUTURE: David Keirsey, Brian Greene, Don Riso, Edward Witten, Russ Hudson, David Kelley, Nathaniel Branden, Dan Millman, Richard Dawkins, John Stossel, Harry Binswanger...
HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO MEET: Johnathan Rhys Meyers, Michael C. Hall, George Carlin, Dennis Miller, Craig Ferguson, Penn Jillette, Andy Rooney, Ami James, Doug Stanhope, Alan Alda, Dane Cook, Jeff Dunham, Gary Larsen, Anne Rice...
Worth the watch :
Hands down, this is _THE_ funniest clip Andy Milonakis has ever made! And -no joke- he's 31 years old!!!
The Swedish Chef from the Muppets still cracks me up :
This video combines three things I really like: The movie Donnie Darko, the singer Fiona Apple and of course, the actual song, "Across The Universe" :
The first Matrix movie rocked. And I just happened to find another clip starring the Muppets. This is awesome. Very creative :
This song and these little characters are so contagious I COULD NOT RESIST adding it to my page – it forces a smile. I know this is a pretty popular clip but it’s the full version, something that's not often highlighted. Definitely worth the minute!
Some Favorite Links
New York City Ballet
Meme Central
How Stuff Works
Science & Nature of the Human Body & Mind
Chad Vader Saga
Enneagram Institute
Super String Theory
Also, there are SO many radio tracks I adore. In this respect, there's no way I can be specific; just like most people, the variety is endless!
The Tudors, Dexter, Sunday Morning, Nova Science Now, True Life, Intervention, Universe: The Infinite, O'Reilly, Keeping Up Appearances, Best Week Ever, Penn & Teller, Oprah, a number of random History Channel shows I happen upon, a few random VH1 reality series when I want to escape...
My hero's are located in the, "Who I'd like to meet" from The Past and In The Future.....