Matthew profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

♠Here it is! I grew up in Winston-Salem NC♠ ♣I'm In school for Elementary Education(Bachelor of Science) with a minor in Mathematics; ♠My goal is to teach 4th grade♠ ♣I waited till I was older in life to finish up my education♣ ♠Reason, I just didn't know what the hell I wanted to do with my life♠ ♣I have a wonderful support base of family and friends♣ ♠They are loved dearly and I let them know that in my actions and words♠ ♣I moved out to a town called Walnut Cove, NC to be away from the city life♣ ♠I'm leading a smaller, more peaceful life out in "the sticks"♠ ♣Don't get me wrong, I love the city♣ ♠I just prefer a more slower placed setting to call home♠ ♣I have had a few relationships but in the end♣ ♠they just weren't meant to be♠ ♣I do believe I will find that special someone♣ ♠Just taking my time finding that ONE person♠ ♣to spend the rest of my life with♣ ♠If there is anything else you would like to know♠ ♣feel free to get in touch with me♣ ♠Take Care!!!!!♠

My Interests

Family, friends, my animals(two cats), Wine, Miller lite, sweet tea(I make the best), Diet Mnt.Dew, spades, poker,, democratic party, trucks, country music, hiking, Blowing Rock, Maxim, beach, playing pool, bowling Photobucket Album


Cold Mountain, Fahrenheit 911(truth hurts), X-Men movies, Moulin Rouge, Brokeback Mountain, The Notebook, Chicken Little, etc...


I'm really big into reality TV shows like Real World and Survivor. I love Will and Grace. Karen is a trip. Queer as Folk, the TLC channel, Discover channel, and the Food Network. I also like Grey's Anatomy and Windfall.


I love to read. The Good Society, Our Endangered Values, When I Knew,. etc......



My Blog

I'm gonna be a UNCLE!!

Howdy all! I feel like bragging this morning. Can't sleep so I thought I would tell the world; or at least everyone that take the time to read this blog entry. I'm going to be a UNCLE. I'm so excited ...
Posted by Matthew on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:46:00 PST


America! Have we forgotten the country we live in? Granted there are many countries that need our help. What about our Country? We have poverty, hunger, etc. Why must we focus on foreign counties and ...
Posted by Matthew on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 03:51:00 PST


   Well here I am again.  Pissed off!  Just wanted to vent.  I consider myself a genuine friend; a person that would bend over backwards for anyone.  I can now see that ...
Posted by Matthew on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:33:00 PST

My space comments

    I hope we all have people we call friends.  Friends comes in all shapes and sizes.  Obviously , this pertains to there mouths as well.  There are things best keep amo...
Posted by Matthew on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:35:00 PST

The Mouse!!!!

   Granted there isn't much that scares me!  I will admit that death and anything with more than two legs scare the hell out of me. Except for the domesticated four legged furry friends...
Posted by Matthew on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST