Xx Bethy Boo xX profile picture

Xx Bethy Boo xX

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About Me

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In a Past Life...
You Were: A Mathematical genius.
Where You Lived: New Guinea.
How You Died: The Plague. Who Were You In a Past Life?Hey :D im 20 from South wales im a nursery nurse, i work at puddleducks in bridgend and little poppets in porthcawl! im a busy girl lol :D i have long brown hair n blue eyes and im about 5ft 8-9 lol well u can see me in my pictures :Dim bubbly n friendly and a bit nuts if im honest. I like people who like themselves and like who they are :D If ya fancy a chat then get in touch :D xxxxx..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Beth Rachel Howell
Birthday:: 13th February 1987
Birthplace:: Bridgend
Eye Color:: Blue :)
Hair Color:: Dark brown
Height:: 5ft 10
Weight:: lol cheeky to ask!!
Right handed or Left handed?: right handed
Your Heritage:: Im welsh through n through :)
My Worst Habit:: umm talking alot and cracking my knuckels. gotta stop lol
Zodiac Sign:: Aquarius
Shoe Size:: 7
Pants Size:: 16
Innie or Outie?: Innie lol
Parents Still Together?: Yup :)
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Black crappy ones tht i wear 4 work
Your Weakness:: Tabboo and apple sours!!
Your Fears:: heights, spiders, open water
Your Perfect Pizza:: Cheese n chicken (sounds strange but its lush!!!)
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: finish my NVQ 3 and start my management course :)
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: if i dont open my eyes does it count as not waking up lol
Your Best Physical Feature:: umm boobs probably lol
Your Bedtime:: wenever im tired. in the week prob about 9 cos im knackered after work lol
Your Most Missed Memory:: having a laugh and joke with a close friend ive since lost :(
Favorite color?: Blue
Food?: Chinese yum yum
Sport?: Rugby!!!! (of course!!)
Animal?: Penguins (they r soooo cute)
Ice Cream?: close call between mint choc chip n strawberry
Candy?: bueno!!! im addicted to them lol
Store?: Dorothy perkins
Salad Dressing?: WTF!!! um hellmans mayo lmao
Actor?: Johnny Depp! he is THE sex!!!
Song?: at the mo everything by Mika rules!!! lol
Letter?: B (start of my name lol)
Number?: 7
Gum?: havnt really got a fave lol
Holiday?: Ibiza..it was fab!!!
Season?: Winter
Toothpaste Flavor?: Strawberry 1 the kids at nursery use lmao yum
Radio Station?: Radio1 - wake up with moyles :)
Perfume?: Curious - britney spears
Scent besides perfume?: Petrol, cut grass
Body part on the opposite sex?: Eyes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Im currently doing it lol Nursery nursing lol
How Do You Want To Die?: Peacefully
Turn ons:: Sense of humour, nice eyes
Turn offs:: Sum1 who doesnt take care of themselves
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: My cousin Emma lol
Who's The Loudest?: Lauren :P
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: All of them their fab
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Lauren prob
Who's The Shyist?: Stacy
When Have You Cried The Most?: In my mums best friends funeral :'(
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Having someone who loves u
Worst Feeling?: Losing someone who means the world to you
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Near my family and friends wherever that may be
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Probably the fact that i can be quite stubborn at times lol
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Hopefully for a very long time!
Let's walk on the: Moon lmao
Let's look at the: Stars
What a nice: Day
Where did all the: Alcohol go? oh we drunk it lol
Why can't we: Be more sensible lol
Silly, little: Bugger
Isn't it weird that: We're never sober at the weekends
Never under any circumstance: Unless it explained (wtf!) lol
I wish: I could have more money to go out tonight
Everyone has a: Problem
I am: The most interesting person in this room
Been In Love?: Yes sadly i have
Been To Juvie?: Nah im a gud girl i am
Mooned Someone?: Ha ha yes a long time ago
Been Rejected?: Never tried to be rejected
Ran Away From Home?: Yeah wen i was like 7 down the street to my nans lmao
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Come on everyones done that lol
Skipped School?: Yh loadsa times
Thought About Suicide?: Wa kinda question is that!!
Slept Outside?: Yup and i hated it lmao
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Yup did it the other day. quite embaressing actually
Cried In School?: Ye wen i broke my arm so i was allowed lol
Thrown Up In School?: Yup :(
Wanted To Be a Model?: Yeah but i no it never wud have happened lol
Cheated On Someone?: Sadly yes but they deserved it!
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Oh god yeah lol
Seen A Dead Body?: Yes i have and i dont wanna see another one thanks
Been Bitched Out?: Wats tht mean lol
Drank Alcohol?: Of course my blood is prob pure alcohol
Smoked?: Nah
Been On Drugs?: Nope
Eaten Sushi?: Na thts rank!! raw fish cannot be good for you lol
Been On Stage?: Yup got stage fright too lol
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Ye in ibiza :)
Shoplifted?: Ye wen i was like 8 n it was a penny sweet lol
Been Drunk?: Lol yes
Been Called A Tease?: Ye randomly lol
Been Beaten Up?: Nope
Swear?: Yes i have to stop it lol
Sing Well?: Well i sing well in the shower no where else lol
Shower Daily?: Yup
Want To Go To College?: Ive been and i hated it lol
Want To Get Married?: Yeah :)
Believe In Yourself?: Yeah sometimes i do
Get Motion Sickness?: Na im pretty good
Think You Are Attractive?: Not really but i dont think im minging lol
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yeah sometimes
Like Thunderstorms?: Ye their alright, dont like lighting though
Play An Instrument?: Na but i want to
Own An IPOD?: Yup cudnt live without it lol
Pray?: Na
Go To Church?: Nope only for christenings weddings and funerals
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: Ye a winnie the pooh at the top of my bed lol
Keep A Journal/Diary?: I used 2 until my brother read it
Dance In The Rain?: Ye its gr8 fun :)
Sing In The Shower?: Yup badly i might add lol
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke!!
McDonald's or Burger King?: Mcdonalds
Single or Group Dates?: Bit of both lol sometimes u wanna b on ur own sometimes u dont
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat!!
TV or Movie?: Movie theres shit on tv
Guitar or Drums?: Drums lol altho i do like guitars
Adidas or Nike?: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese yummy
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheeries - theres a whole lot of goodness in those lil O's "apparently"
Cake or Pie?: Cake!!
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf. id rather see people smile. u can fake a laugh
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Do The Splits?: I used 2 but cant now!
Write With Both Hands?: Ye but i make a mess of it!!!
Whistle?: Yup :)
Blow A Bubble?: Yeah
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Na im gna have to try that one!!
Cross Your Eyes?: Yea im good at that lol
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Ye and bloody hurts!
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Na my tongue aint long enough
Dance?: Yeah i love dancing :)
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: I eat whatever i want and then worry but it soon goes lol
You Touched:: One of the children from the nursery
You Talked To On The Phone:: Emma my cousin
You Instant Messaged:: Geraint
You Hugged:: My mother
You Yelled At:: My Mother lmao
You Played A Sport With:: My brother
Time You Laughed?: At dani in the staff room at work lmao
Time You Cried?: Wen me and my dad had a fight n he sed summit mean
Movie You Watched?: Euro trip!!!! SCOTTIE DOESNT KNOW!!
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Mint fresh lol
Joke You Told?: Havent told a joke in ages!!
Song You've Sung?: Girlfriend avril lavigne lmao
Where Are You?: On my bed in my bedroom
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Nothing...the blinds r closed lol
Are You Listening To Music?: Yup. fall out boy - the take over, the breaks over
What Are You Wearing?: My work uniform...lush lol
What's On Your Mousepad?: Havnt got one lol
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yeah i believe tht most of my mates came frm there lol
Do you believe in miracles?: Ye to a certain extent
Magic?: Ye i believe tht magic can happen between 2 people
Love at first sight?: Ye i believe u can tell if someone is right for you
God?: Thts a hard one i find it hard 2 believe tht there is a god wen all this bad shit is happening
Satan?: Na thts bullshit
Ghosts?: Ye totally i believe u can come back
Santa?: Ha ha yeah i have to in my job
Evolution?: Ye
Fav Eye Color:: Doesnt really matter
Fav Hair Color:: Not bothered
Short or Long Hair:: Um i like short but i like longish 2
Height:: Taller than me
Weight:: Dunno never really thought bout it
Best Clothing Style:: Their own
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: USA
Number Of CD's I Own:: God knows theres no way im counting!!
Your Good Luck Charm:: A neaklace my bampi gave me
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
Do you drink milk?: Na i hate the stuff
Person You Hate Most:: I dont hate anyone, 2 much of a strong word
Most Outdated Phrase:: "ambition is fucking critical!"
Do you think God has a gender?: Ha ha wa a random question...not really no
Where do you think we go when we die?: 2 a better place hopefully lol
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: A way for us to stay young i dnt wanna grow old!!
Are you a health freak?: Na
Are you a virgin?: Ha ha no im not
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Mars - dnt ask me why i dunno lol
What is the worst weather?: British lol
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Used 2 rip their heads off lol
How many grades have you failed?: None :)
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My Interests

I like shopping, sex, hanging with my mates (u know who u r!) working, yes u read that right, i like working lol im a nursery nurse and i LOVE it!

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I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp!! hes gorgeous
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panic at the disco, guns and roses, metallica, most dance songs (i listen 2 nething and everything theres 2 ment 2 list lol )


Fave movie is probably armageddon or phanthom of the opera. both great films...ive seen so many its hard to choose lol


umm i dont really watch alot of tv havent got time lol but i catch eastenders when i can lol and i used 2 watch friends until it finished :( i just watch lee evans and peter kay on dvd now lol


jordans autobigraphy was cool and sharon osbournes.


Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Meteor Giant
Your Superpower is Telepathy
Your Weakness is Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Your Mouth
Your Weapon is Your Flaming Rocket
Your Mode of Transportation is Bike What's your Superhero Name?

My Blog

My Birthday Night Out :D

Hey Guys :D im getting all excited at the moment, goin 2 cardiff 2nite in my limo for my birthday  decided this years theme was  going 2 be "play your cards right" so everyones dressed as pl...
Posted by Xx Bethy Boo xX on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:40:00 PST


Heeeyyyy! god just realised havent writen in this for ages lol sooo what have i been up 2 .......hmmmm ive been wrking wrking and umm wrking lol seem to be all ive been doing lately. ooo n meeting my ...
Posted by Xx Bethy Boo xX on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 06:25:00 PST

What is the differece?

ok i have to ask....what is the difference between raisins, sultanas and currants????? we have been having this disscussion in wrk for ages! they all taste the damn same anyway!! the babies in wrk eat...
Posted by Xx Bethy Boo xX on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 10:00:00 PST


Hey ppl :D dnt actually no wa im supposed 2 be writing on here lol but whatever! just got home from work so im bloody knackered now!! need sleep! cya xxx...
Posted by Xx Bethy Boo xX on Mon, 22 May 2006 09:27:00 PST