I really like cooking, and i once said i was going to be a professional chef. But that didn't work out, turned out it was used as an excuse to tell people when they ask dumb questions like: what do you want to be when you grow up. I should pose the same question to them. Then I really like writing. But i'm too afraid of failure as a writer to really jump headfirst into that one. Another excuse. I like community service. So i was thinking about the peace corp, but they don't pay you for that. Fuck, i'm out of options. I'm an art history major now, and have no idea what i'll do with it besides have fun.
anyone who has beaten my expert minesweeper score of 85 seconds
everything including "honky tonk badonka donk"
akira, amelie, annie hall, bruce lee anything, casablanca, citizen kane, fight club, kung pow, montey python series, pulp fiction, royal tennenbaums
I try not to watch it, but cartoons are awesome.
Amy Hempel, Barbara Kingsolver, Billy Collins, Chuck Palahniuk, Graham Greene, Neitzsche, Iris Murdoch, Aby Warburg, Studs Terkel Currently reading: Art History textbooks